Sandra Dee

Not meanies, practical. The owner isn't USING the body any more, damn it! So why should a kitty starve?

It's a little late in the season to start preserving babies.

I'm with Dan Savage. Common sense, really. It only turns into a big discussion when people project all kinds of crap on maintenance sex which is neither abusive nor non-consensual because that's not what we're talking about here. It's not about anyone being forced into sex. It's kinda like how you pretend to be more

Well thats the specificity of creglist. On OKC you have more chances of meeting single physco. who is in town for one night only.

Thank you for validating my decision to sign up for OKC last week, Mark. Now can we also get an article about how New Year's Day is the best time to impulsively give yourself bangs? Asking for a friend.

You know internet dating doesn't take place on the internet, right? You just find people that way. The expectation is to meet in the real world.

I keep going back and forth on online dating. One minute I'm on a site, the next minute I deactivate my account because I feel pessimistic about finding the right guy. The fact that there are more horror stories than success stories is what keeps me from going on a date with anyone I meet there.

I really wish they wouldn't call Transformers "Trannies #4"

These used to be fun. They feel just as commercialized as the rest of the awards shows now, though.

MRW the wimmins are having all the fun and I'm not invited.

Hubby works off-shore and doesn't have great internet stability, so he can't view the videos I've made. Sooo I've been making a ton of gifs to send him and I thought this one was adorable enough to share.

This is some kind of metaphor for the GOP's attitude towards the poor, I'm 95% sure of it

I cover the holidays. It's fun!

In my efforts to be healthier, I worked out today for a whole 20 minutes! Then I felt like I was going to throw up. Now I'm ordering chinese food.

To be summed up "mostly harmless"

Sure is a nice solar system you got there, be a real shame if somethin'... happened to it...


I mentioned this on another comment above, but yeah, I asked my dad one time why he thought they listed Edward Hermann as "special appearance" and he harrumphed about how Edward Hermann is much too esteemed to be in "this sort of thing" and the show probably recognizes that he's too good for them. Don't get between my

Also, of course, the best guy to ever play FDR, in various things (like that weird, not good Annie movie) but most importantly in Eleanor & Franklin. Also, owner of one of the sexiest vintage cars you'll ever see, a 1929 Auburn.