Sandra Dee

This makes me very sad.

He was definitely the creepiest vampire in "Lost Boys."

I may actually try to fool myself with this.

New Years Day for me is a day to get my house (literally) in order - clean, tidy, organize, etc. I enjoy it. I don't enjoy being tired or hungover. But yeah I can make it to midnight, given the right SVU marathon.

Here's why: New Years Eve sucks.

Artless New Years Eve: Thai food, an amaretto sour, dead asleep by ten.

sleep > ball drop

It's okay to be a bit surprised. My parents were surprised as well when I came out as non-binary.

Sounds like the beginning of a Law & Order episode. Clang clang!

I just found out my younger brother, who is about to have his first child, is an anti-vaxxer. I need to sit him down and present him the evidence to show him just how harmful he's being.


Amell is awesome :) he does MEME fridays on FB, some are funny

thats where show will pick it up ....

My mom was also very upfront and hated "stork" bullshit how are babies made answers. Any sex question we asked at any age we got a straight answer to. In Canada you can't say what prescription medication is in an advertisement so there are these ads for cialis that imply the couple is off having sex. So I'm watching

My mom was pretty straighforward with me when it came to sex. An actual conversation at the age of 15:

The Fringe flashback also gave us the brilliant 80s themed Fringe intro music.

The flashback when we learn why Jamie Lannister became the King Slayer.

because of freedom

I hate New Years Eve, but I feel compelled to go out. I can't explain it. I should just try to get over it and stay in with The Twilight Zone marathon.

And the one about Atheists never being able to resist telling everyone what they don't believe in...