Sandra Dee

I love Natalie Dormer b/c her face ALWAYS seems to look like it's saying that. Her face is the embodiment of sly.

Do we really need another Janis Joplin biopic after "Judy Jormp-Jomp"?

Jumped over the shark and into the fridge, awaiting nuke.

In the last episode of the last season Mal is going to wake up from a coma on the Serenity and it will all have been a dream.

Stop making me want to re-sub!

It's happened before but there just weren't social media sites to express it. I read the book and saw the movie for the first time in 6th grade (I think) as well. That was in the mid 90's for me. All of those guys were heartthrobs for a reason. Soda Pop Curtis being (and still is) the most dreamy!

Lafayette was what kept me coming back to True Blood every week.

Before she was a favorite, before the increasingly objectifying outfits, before she was canon, she was just a sweet, fun girl in love with a psychopathic clown on TV.

I disagree. And living it up and being tacky are not mutually exclusive.

Apparently her second marriage was to a defrocked priest who had been her confessor. SCANDALOUS!

Robb Stark? What a joke. His TV self was okay but ultimately just as naive, stupid and dead as the loser in the book. That's not sexy.

Mr. Darcy, Pride & Prejudice

oh gus, gus <3

Hope this is in the movie at some point.

Rob Stark looks weird... he should be covered in fur and blood.

Now playing

Hate musicals and interjected songs... But I will not accept the existence of this movie without this song

I feel like that trailer was long enough, and covered enough of the story that I don't actually have to see this now.

It's so true, Wii U ends up being the console I have the most exclusive I wanted to play. PC and Wii U combo is the way to go.

it still doesn't really have enough exclusives for me to want to jump on it yet. It's really starting to become more and more clear that a decent PC and a Wii U is the way to go this generation.

Should have been Odin. Imagine BRIAN! BLESSED! as Odin in Thor and Thor: The Dark World.