Sandra Dee

Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan Kenobi

That's way too much cheekbones for one family. Their offspring will probably be a high elf who shall herald the return of the Eldar onto Middle-Earth.

I fully expected this to end in a tiny, awkwardly shaped, very fluffy baby penguin/seal.

I have been cheated. I demand restitution.

Don't water down the comments with puns. You're out of your depth.

Speed Racer (2008)

Disney screwed up the ad campaign but it's a good, fun movie.

Yes, all pageant contestants must be tested on their skills in horsemanship, archery and swordplay.


I would totally turn this in to my Christmas card.

Seth Cohen can die in a fire as far as I'm concerned. That jerk killed Dave Rygalski, the only good boyfriend Stars Hollow ever saw.

You know, the worst thing of it all is, as much of a sandpaper sandwich as The Silmarillion is, I honestly would love to watch it as like an HBO miniseries or something, done in the style of Cosmos (as an overarching narrative of exploring the lore) with the smaller segments broken into Game of Thrones-style

My cat and I are rude to each other. Cats deserve a little sassing. His cat probably thinks he's a needy dweeb.

Look at him! Who could be mean to this derp????

This is John Cho. All other crush suggestions are invalid.

Blue eyes. Also, perhaps Waffles is a quirky kitten leading a wacky life and can play the ukulele oh-so-adorably?

I absolutely adore him. Everyone should watch the documentary about him and his career. It's on Netflix.

"A kaleidoscope of cullah in the pahk"...Bill you are delicious and I wish you to narrate my life.

...your sister. (Oh dear God what is wrong with me?)

When was the last time Harry did anything w/o needing Hermione to save his ass? Or do most of the work.