Sandra Dee

I'd just like to express my envy of anyone, regardless of gender, who has curtain sewing skillz. I can hand-sew felt donuts, but using a machine is like asking me to fly a space shuttle. :(

I've seen some outfits at Disneyland and California Adventure far more scandalous than this one. Sounds to me like it was a shitty employee not making it the happiest place on Earth.

Somebody make the word "normcore" go away.

I don't wear makeup, but that's because I'm really hyped on this new trend called "getting a lot of sleep and waking up as late as i can get away with before i have to get ready for work."

*was makeup-free before it became hip.

INTJ—- I am ELSA! and the Emperor.

Neat test, but the Myers-Briggs is about as scientific as astrology. I know this because I'm INTJ

If you missed an episode, you would have to wait until it came around again.

Had to watch every Saturday. HAD TO.

Don't sell yourself short - I would eat the shit out of some Mac n Cheese with broccoli bits.

Maybe it's good that they changed the ending because I just finished the book and I think my actual reaction was "wtf."

WhatEV, bish: having babies makes me even cooler. It's like my ovaries have superpowers...

"That's my worst nightmare, I cheated on my wife,"

What's sad is that I can't think of a single thing. Hell, my *life* has plot holes the size of Alaska in it.

Oh my god. Those fucking mullet dresses. It was such a pain in the ass prom dress shopping Junior and Senior year because almost every fucking gown was a mullet dress.

I'm going to go with Robotech. One of the local TV stations when I was a kid used to run one episode a day in order all the way from Macross to Mospeada (the Americanized Robotech versions of course). When they got to the end of the run of episodes, they started over at the beginning. I also enjoyed G.I. Joe,

Lobster mac and cheese is one of those ideas that sounds brilliant until you try it. Then you realize why no one was fucking making it until five years ago.

Taking the time for entertainment, especially as a family, is vital for me to avoid overspending in other areas because of feeling bad, hemmed in, or guilty. So, here is how we do it: