Sandra Dee

...what sex life?

Oh baby.... want to sit here next to me and talk about longitudinal epidemiological selection biases?

Okay, so, I did kind of have a crush on Miles.

Sorry, Richard (#23) should be #1, because...

At some point it'd be really neat if Sophia Coppola decided to make a movie that wasn't all about how tough it is to be a princess.

Liam Neeson for Poseidon/King Triton, because: reasons.*

Brace yourselves, my precious little arteries, winter is coming.

As Smart, or Smarter?

Back when I was in high school, my married mother told me that she didn't care if I lived with a guy without marrying him. And that if I wanted to have kids without a husband or long-term boyfriend, she'd totes help me raise them.

The only thing Millennials need to know about the 80's is this guy:

Anybody who's not doing what I'm doing to maintain the lifestyle I'm maintaining is obviously doing it wrong. I'll be over here. Judging.

Next step: condescending Facebook shares and diatribes!

The show was fantastic for the first 3 or 4 seasons. It was fresh, funny and original. It's been going on too long but some of us got stuck because of how good it had been.

I just want to see the episode when Ted finally turns into Bob Saget.

listening to Americans talk about "doing something" about mental health care is like listening to that lazy roommate talk about how he's going to turn his life around.

Paintball hurts, though. Laser tag has less pain.

And what is UP with Splash Mountain having Puritanical, side-by-side seats in their logs? Lapsies or GTFO.

Speaking of sexy alien boning:

This site exists purely as a vehicle for Zardoz propaganda...

Idris Elba as Shere Khan??

The Princess Bride because I refuse to believe this movie is anything other than perfect.