Sandra Dee

I'm the fattest person in Boulder! Haha. We also get a lot of professional runners and triathletes who move here for training - so perhaps that also helps our numbers ; ).

Here to say as someone that is dealing with being cheating on and healing the relationship you feel like a fool, liar, fraud. No one actually perceives you that way but it is how some of us feel.

I was just going to post an eyeroll GIF before I remembered that I had this in my folder. This works, too.

I really enjoyed this movie and thought that most of the fault of the film sat with the marketing teams horrible approach to the film.

I love The Vampire Diaries and I'm not sorry. The whip-fast pacing, the awesome dialogue, and the ambiguous morality of every character makes this my crack. I SMOKE IT PROUDLY, Y'ALL.

Came here with that one in mind, but honestly it was my favorite thing about Wizards. Been a LONG time since I saw it tho. But it's kinda like that scene in Indiana Jones when he's facing the guy with the scimitar coming at him.

I just found out my disdain for May/December movie couples extends to gay movie couples as well!

They had this on Adult Swim or something quite a few years back, and I fell in love with it. It's exciting to hear it's on Hulu Plus now, because I've been trying and failing to get people to watch this show. Maybe now I can get some people to see how brilliant it is.

Yeah, but I would totally do Voldemort.

Even better if you get the DVD and get to hear the 'Spinal Tap' style in-character commentary that Holis says was recorded in Richard Ayoade's dingy flat :)

Most recent one that came to mind was The Good Wife. Started mainlining episodes on Amazon Prime streaming (where Seasons 1-4 are free), and realized within just a few episodes that there were at least half a dozen characters on the show that I loved.

This is a show that does the "ripped from the headlines" thing

Oh Gods yes. Yes to all of this.

I'm always late to every party, so I only saw my first episode of this this fall. I proceeded to inhale the entire series in a week. Such nasty delicious fun.

Oh yes. Darkplace is one of a small number of perfect television shows.

Most recently:

They say love strikes when you least expect it, and this is the last show I expected to fall in love with!

Life on Mars, the BBC version. I could not get enough of it. Still can't.

My ultimate guilty pleasure are the McDonald's hashbrowns. I haven't had them since high school, but I love them so much. I now have an intense craving for McDonald's. THANKS, OBAMA.