
As Nighshift said, unless you were really closeminded both the DS and PSP both offered a lot of awesome games, and the 3DS and Vita look no different.

I love Nintendo, so don't take this the wrong way, but you're completely out of touch with reality.

Yeah, the "dust". The company that has had almost no online infrastructure sure has shown up those other pesky companies.

I think you're reading way too far into the difference between DOA and "almost" DOA.

Huh? I'm not sure I understand what you're arguing. Are you saying they're siding with Sony, despite calling the Vita DOA as well?

I sure hope not! Not that I have anything against that on principle, Im all for deeply immersive roleplaying, but I can imagine it opening the doors to new kinds of abuse that no one wants.

Hmm, depends how much you want out of them. Each game can be powered through in, 12 hours maybe (possibly less)? But if you do everything you're looking at 20+, and 100% is even higher than that (thats what I'm working on this time around).

You're in for a treat! I was just playing the first four (I own both the quadrilogy and the GU trilogy) and I forgot how much I love the games. They havent exactly aged flawlessly, but the thick sense of atmosphere and post modern cyberpunk vibe is still wonderfully intact.

Oh wow, hadn't heard of that but I'll have to add it to my list now.

I'm a big fan of his work, as well as just about every artist/influence involved with this game. Barring some kind of freak occurrence, I have no doubt this game will be one of my lifelong favorites.

I can't wait until we have tech good enough to play an MMO like they do in .Hack

I haven't actually given the whole thing a proper listen yet, only heard bits and pieces here and there. Trying to save the full experience for when I get the game.

Buy this for people you barely know and watch them become your best friends.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

Deus Ex is one example, but last year was full of better games that all deserved the title a lot more than Dead Island did. Skyward Sword, Dark Souls, Deus Ex, Skyrim, Portal 2, etc. It doesnt even compare.

Possible GotY categories it won:

Suprisingly, yes. I've now seen more episodes as a grown man than I ever got to see as a kid, which is strange on so many levels.

Now playing

So Persona 4: The Golden features a new battle theme (which I linked to the left). So good.