
You're gonna carry that weight.

Dante has no humor

It's not (it's a yen price first of all, and a budget one at that)

I'd wait for 2.0, but if you're dying to play it subsribing now for some set period of time nets you a lower subscription fee for life and a sweet chocobo. Either way the world gets destroyed in 2.0 and it'll be all new when it happens.

Replying to promote

Ive been playing on their consoles since the PSX. Trust me when I say that they have more than enough awesome IPs to build a full roster without 3rd party characters.

People don't get that the Japanese market likes handhelds, and that a game isn't any less of a game because it's found it's way onto a handheld.

I figured it would be complicated, but it was worth asking anyways. I'm also a painter, so it'd be cool to get on an expatriate scholarship like that. Plus I could totally better relations between Cuba and Jamaica :p

Don't worry, I thought you were funny!

So let's say I have experience modding in online communities (which I do), how would I best go about getting my resume to someone at Nintendo for a position?

Helba, I thought you were into Randian philosophy? Shed totally support Foxconn, though that's one reason I don't like her.

Is he a Cuban citizen? I'm looking to do my masters somewhere cool, like Oxford, but a free Cuban education sounds prety spectacular.

A lot of workers there are/were happy to have the regular work. We consider ourselves above it because of Western values and advancement in the work place, but for a lot of workers this is the best job they can get.

I'm mostly with you, but the potential is still there. I'd argue that pacing and atmosphere are the most important pieces, and multiplayer just typically destroys them both.

They're on handhelds, man.

I'm not so worried about home, but it's so strange to me that Kotaku would outright insult it when it's much more game related than a lot of the coverage they've given with a straight face.

Love the series and Visceral are good people, but I'll reserve judgement until more information turns up. Co-op isn't immediately a bad thing, it's just all in how you handle it.

I was really just talking about the trailer, I'm sure they'll keep all the glorious AI and tactical encounters around. Just would have liked to have seen it (more than the details DocSeuss pointed out)

I'll be totally honest, it looked like a scripted shooting gallery to me. As others have mentioned it was just a demo so it served it's purpose fine, but I wasn't too convinced that the area was as explorable as it looked.

Was I supposed to enjoy that? The art style looked great, but it was basically a long corridor segment. Halo, for me, is all about the multiplayer and dynamic encounter design, and I was left missing both.