Why they chose this comic over, say, the one(s) about video games is beyond me.
Why they chose this comic over, say, the one(s) about video games is beyond me.
If its any consolation, the collectors edition is pretty crummy; the art book is terrible quality and the other contents are all downloadable... youre only missing out on the tin.
How fare your adventures, fellow Dark Souls players?
Ah! Its so good!
If you never got your package and you ordered from Amazon, contact Amazon and tell them and theyll usually give you the benefit of the doubt.
Jim Sterling has as many good points as the average internet commenter, he just (miraculously) found a soapbox with a ginormous audience.
Dark Souls, God Hand, Portal 2 DLC, and Costume Quest for yall PS+ folk (already own it, but its still a great game). Everything went better than expected!
If by "buggy" you mean "flawless" or "amazing", yes, it is still flawless and amazing.
I can't edit my comment for some reason, so I wanted to clarify I was talking about Leigh Alexanders wonderful article from last night on Cow Clicker and its creator, Ian Bogost.
The other problem is that "gaming journalism" has more in common with CNN and Fox than it does, say, NPR or the Guardian; its entertainment more than cold hard facts.
Well, not necessarily ...
Its been suggested to watch the video, but in case you still hadnt, he says "What the fuck?!" thirty something times, all in a particularly comical tone.
Funniest comment of the year. +10 points.
They sounded practically in love with it :P
Haha, point taken!
Yeah, as it has been pointed out, the only thing cooler than hipsters is hating hipsters, which adds another layer of self-loathing and irony.
The world is a sad, sad place.
Youre welcome!
I never understood the appeal of commenting on an article you haven't read yet.
Its like putting hot sauce on raw oysters- sure, you could do it, but a good chef knows not to, and a good eater knows better.