
I actually interned for Anthropologie this summer, at the very first store in Wayne PA. This is relevant because Anthropologie is owned by URBN, and also because I probably met the CEO on one of her visits to the store (since she lived not too far away, not to mention Wayne is right outside Philly, where the central

Me too! I'm also trying not to watch any more of the streams, but its tough.

Are you only playing through Majoras Mask, or are you playing through all of them/most of them?

El-Shaddai came in the mail from Gamefly, along with Killzone 3, so I'm probably going to play those.

I have no idea. Maybe next time they'll come up with a better roster?

To each his own- Im of the school of thought that IV-IX (minus VIII's plot) are all nearly perfect and thus should not be directly compared against one another, since most people just relate more to one game over another.

I didnt want to make my sarcasm too obvious, but yeah, this was totally rigged by /v/

Just make sure to keep a spotless record, it might even be more important than how good you actually are.

Deadly Premonition!

Not to beat a dead, or I guess burnt in this case, horse, but the bottom of the cup she was served could not handle the heat and simply collapsed. The other scary bit was that she only sued for what her medical insurance wouldnt cover- and nothing more.

Now playing

I broke down and started watching one of the japanese streams and, well, I need this game. I am nowhere near as excited for any other game this season, and given the pedigree of releases as of late thats really saying something.

Thats a great distinction to make (the latter one) because, as horrible as the RNG is as means of enslaving a playerbase, at least they can't throw any more than their monthly subscription fee at it to improve their odds.

The good news is that you'll typically die in one to two hits regardless, so it wont make too much of a difference :P

I watched the documentary mentioned in the article and it was eye-opening just how much of that particular case was transformed into a pop-cultural myth by PR firms in order to make lawsuits taboo; we live in a strange world.

Maybe he doesnt own games and only uses media that only works on the Wii? Best I can figure.

Their handheld offerings have been really great by comparison, though I dont know how much that helps if you shy away from handhelds.

This isn't for or against anything you just said, though it is very much related. I think you will find it fascinating (at least I would hope so) and maybe a little sad.

There were several after the last one, and joining in was (said to be) as simple as saying "me too". Didn't seem too hard to me.