
I am an absolute and total hypocrite because I am not too bothered by it; obviously this is to prevent people from suing en masse should another outage take place- an easy way to start hemorrhaging money.

So, Dark Souls is out in Japan- know what that means?

I don't think ICE-T has ever paid for a Gears game :p

Yes, I was playing not too long ago and its still got a really healthy community- its probably only gotten stronger since people are trying to get ready for Battlefield 3

Now playing

Not really; the mechanics are the same, but the game itself is about the experience created by the music, and the downloadable versions have pretty bland soundtracks.

Right now I have Dark Souls pre-ordered and payed off. I'm hoping to squeeze as much as I can out of it until Battlefield 3 comes out, which my brother has pre-ordered, and I'll just mooch off of his copy until Uncharted 3 comes out. From there its on to Skyward Sword, and Skyrim, assuming I find a way to actually

Thanks for the long response! I was actually kind of worried that I just spat out unfocused feedback for you and didn't bother editing it into something a little more constructive- you seem to have taken care of that for me ;D

Now playing

Is anyone else really really excited for Dark Souls?

I always thought that was a particularly fun boss fight- tough the first couple times, but you always figured out what you needed to do the next time around.

I like your writing, and you certainly make great points.

As I mentioned in my post I'm not trying to turn him off the 3DS- I don't own one, but I'm certainly the kind of person who'd like to own one.

Oh, I dont thing youre being outrageous or anything- and I would have loved to see some internal storage. I've just seen, in my experience, the issue get blown out of proportion to the point that people think you'll be forced to use memory cards when, given what we know, the answer is we probably wont in most cases.

Same thing happened to me- did you get spotted by a robot? I think robots and cameras set it off automatically, but guards have to hit panels.

Full disclosure: I plan on buying a Vita at launch.

The memory cards are a big "might". Most games will be able to save directly onto the cart, though if you plan to do any downloading of course you'll need one.

I don't know if anyone else is a big Lumines fan, but with James Mielke (who you may remember from 1UP or GMR) as creative director on Electronic Symphony, I have BIG hopes for the games soundtrack. In short, the man has superb taste.

You are officially in the best section of the game- for me, the world of ruin is what makes VI a masterpiece, the "what if the villain actually won?" that no game up until that point had ever given us.

You've pretty much described the PERFECT game. If I had millions of dollars in disposable cash, I would hire you a team to make the game for you/us.