
And here I thought Mako energy was the cleanest, safest energy available.

I was also wondering this. Typically trying to prevent change and maintain/preserve the current (or previous) state of things is considered "conservative", but somehow, through some bizzaro feedback loop, it has become part of the liberal agenda.

Its semi-F2P; you get a trial character to play with, and have to buy the full characters separately if you want the "full" experience.

Thats actually what I've decided to do. I figure I might as well wait until the expansion comes out and hope experience carries over, or something. Not worth my time to suffer for digital bragging rights.

Have you played Persona 3+4? As a graphic designer I pray to god before I go to sleep every night that I might one day make something that beautiful.

I recommend actually reading Edge's review before bashing it, also understanding that Edge generally gives good games scores 1 to 3 points lower than other publications, 5-7 being "average".

I understand how it works, I'm just saying this is merely a case of someone exercising their own rights, and theres nothing to be offended by, since seeing political demonized is roughly as old as the hills.

I'm, like, 3 trophies away from the platinum on inFamous 2.

Is anyone actually offended by this? Free speech, yo.

That bit about Final Fantasy 7 characters is especially true. I hate how often Sephiroth gets name dropped by politicians :p

It came out already?

I know, right? Would be sweet.

I think you responded to the wrong person.

I'm not saying hes a bad guy, he seems plenty nice enough, but hes a liar.

The word as it is used on this website implies that they actually hate foreigners, when its not even remotely as simple as that.

Uh sorry, the Kinect is not a controller. You are the controller.

I would say that about Peter Molyneux, but I dont really even like most of his games as much as I enjoy the idea of them.

oh man, I love Edge reviews! Someone (other than Destructoid) has got to use the full range of numbers

DUDE, thats awesome. I wasnt going to pick up RE4 for 20 dollars, but 10 dollars is an entirely different story. 2 and 3 for free are a nice icing on the cake, as are the other games.

They have an isolated culture, but I seriously doubt that the entire nation of Japan is literally afraid of foreigners. My point: the word is misused.