I don't think childish is the word you are looking for. Childish would imply it being covered in crayon or smiley faces.
I don't think childish is the word you are looking for. Childish would imply it being covered in crayon or smiley faces.
Torusan's video might not give you the best idea of a complete narrative, but its definitely there. As is one of the series' best scores.
technically an entire ships worth of good men already left, in regards to Bungie calling it quits.
Xenophobic is the most overused and misused word in these kinds of articles, completely ignoring the fact that different cultures exist all over the world with their own different cultural view points.
Neither. That's like picking how you want to be tortured, or insulted. They could totally do it for free, they just won't.
I should explain a little better what I meant, since I probably sound half-drunk (hey, I'm pretty tired).
I think they left it at a great point that really could go either way.
It worked for Trunks :D
Its sort of a tricky subject since most people prefer one or the other, but rest assured that its a great system and there are plenty of great games for great prices at this point in its life cycle.
I promised myself I'd stop buying games until I finished the ones I already have, but I REALLY REALLY want to support Resistance 3 just because it has such great boxart (and because Insomniac are great developers).
Theyre great games, really funny, but they have a bit more focus on grinding than on unit management (In the past I've noticed I've wound up with a team consisting of cannon fodder and two or three juggernauts)
Yeah, Im also pretty desensitized to violence so it didnt really phase me, but I can say I ever need to see either of those two things again.
Anything special happen? I was able to save her by punching/tazing everyone, so I didnt bother sneaking out.
Antichrist was amazing, its just too heavy to consider a a movie everyone should see. And not in the feel good after the end, catharsis kind of way that makes most heavy movies okay. Its just straight depression the entire movie.
That doesnt mean it was a good game. It was an insult to the first two games, a shadow of anything that made the first two good.
I guess co-op is marginally better, but man is that game terrible. You'll need a shower after playing it :(
Fable 3 is a piece of trash. Unless you only play games for voice acting, just pretend it doesnt exist.
I played Resistance 1 with a friend, and its some serious quality co-op. 2 doesn't have traditional co-op, but 3 will, so it might be worth it to find someone to play through 1 and 3 with.
Okay, I'l add it to my list. Thanks for the recommendation!
Ugh, the endless stream of enemies is one of my only major complaints so far. I wish I could count out an area after I've already cleared it, but enemies spawn at the most unfortunate times.