
I wouldnt go so far as to say Lil Wayne is anything like Duchamp, but hey, I actually like Duchamp a lot, so I'm probably biased. What I do feel comfortable saying is that they're both artists, like their work or not, and theyre both doing the same thing.

Why is this the featured comment? (repeat out loud four or five times to yourself for full effect)

In case anyone is late to the party, yes, this is a joke, and yes it is making fun of the entire regenerating-points/pay-for-points "gameplay" that has somehow swept the world off of its feet.

Nearly got to see them at their MSG final show but I had already been scheduled to be in "A Streetcar Named Desire" months before the announced tickets or dates, which was a huge bummer :(

Nope- I dont mean that in a negative way, just that there really arent any. Youre much better off sticking to your DS backlog until the Mario games come out down the line.

That still doesnt explain why you are on a video game blog, commenting on an community discussion where you are supposed to compare yourself to a video game character, especially when you get so butthurt being around nerds.

Its a post that says "Which video game character are you?", how could you expect anything short of a nerdy response?


Laguna is cool because he isnt actually cool; his leg cramps up when he gets nervous, he lacks any particular strength and he tends to ramble when he talks. But he has a heart of gold and never backs out of a situation, no matter how dangerous or insane.

A cross between Laguna from Final Fantasy VIII and Vincent from Catherine.

Unfortunately, when the game directly quotes a member of the Manhattan project, its a little hard to do away with the "theorizing".

I havent played any of the DLC yet, waiting on the GOTY edition, but I absolutely loved the core game and consider it some of the best writing this generation. What has me most curious is what we'll eventually find out about this guy.

The whole point is that you inherit a chip that has the potential to change the fate of the entire region (not the world). What happens next is up to you (even simply not doing anything about it), though I find it amazingly hard that after being contacted by three organizations offering fame and wealth beyond

Its the writing. Fallout 3 was a lot of fun but it failed to craft a compelling narrative, or at least compelling when compared to Fallout 1 and 2.

DS: 4 Heroes of Light (was Ghost Trick but my girlfriend is playing it now)

I wasn't going to reply to you because I didn't want to see this become a featured thread, but lo and behold it seems Kotaku deems your babbling worthy of "featured" discussion. So I guess I can babble too.

I never asked for this!

Babel is insane!

Its funny, I was about to import a couple Japanese-exclusive games and realized that Sony is the only company that allows you to play games from other regions this generation.