
Thats because it is! If this game was on the 360 or the PC it would be legendary, its a shame its considered a cult hit

Its worth pointing out that their country is attacked on two different fronts, and the military is made up of volunteers, so its not like theyre going to turn away help.

Anyone working on Babel in Catherine?

Personally, I think Final Fantasy XII is one of the best installments of the series. A lot of people will tell you that a) Vaan sucks and b) it doesnt feel like Final Fantasy, but theyre only half right.

New Vegas is the better game and will probably ruin the experience of playing through 3 if you do it first.

I love the occult/bizarre, adventure games, great writing, and anything with a (good) Jazz soundtrack.

I didnt like that you occasionally solved cases by accusing people you knew werent guilty because of the newspaper article you picked up earlier.

Oh, dont forget the free Kinect!

"Bribed" is a dirty word, but thats essentially what it boils down to.

I heard this fascinating thing on NPR the other day about that woman who spilled coffee on herself and sued McDonalds for "millions" of dollars. Shes a pop culture legend, someone we picture as young and ignorant making millions of dollars after spilling her coffee in her lap, and though we know nothing about her, we

Im not defending the Vita here, I have no idea what its launch lineup looks like.

variety is the spice of life, as they say

I would hardly consider Street Fighter 4 a reason to own a 3DS, more of a game to buy if you already bought a 3DS and needed to justify the purchase to yourself.

I already counted Mario 3DS, but nothing about Mario Kart 7 screams "need to buy a 3DS". I did neglect Kid Icarus though, partly because I didnt realize it was also going to be out in time, and partly because its still up in the air whether it becomes a need to play title or not.

The pricedrop still wont change the 3DS' 2 biggest shortcomings, which are a lack of games and specifically a lack of a Pokemon game (which is probably the one game that can get the most people to adopt a new handheld)

I dont think that word means what you think it does, unless of course you cant be bothered to read one sentence about the game and are just making up your own story for it.

His point still stands, though. He said "doesnt matter if" because it doesnt and never will change anything. Vanquish could be the best game of all time and it wouldnt matter because its part of the larger bullet point: Japanese games are on the decline.

That she put you on the spot like that. I think I would have handled it exactly the same way, call me old fashioned, or I guess call us both old fashioned.

Thats so awkward :/