If a person can do one thing well, then they should be able to do anything well.
If a person can do one thing well, then they should be able to do anything well.
Monkey paw finger curls shut
my good boy
this is good
This sounds great and all but could we also talk about how handsome the new writer is?
Step 1: buy game
Step 2: place game on shelf
Step 3: tell friends “oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to get to that...”
So we’re all done pretending this chucklefuck is anything less than an insincere dick who manages to keeps failing upwards and somehow continuously milkshake ducks the hell out of everyone, right?
Ah good - nothing like having an airbag shove layers of glass and silicone into my face at high speed
Every time I introduce this game to someone it goes like this:
Weird how everyone suddenly all had the same black friend...
Little Jimmy Dead-Eyes over here
So do crossover coupe drivers realize that they all look like they’re driving around in misshapen Matchbox cars?
no u....
“Honey, would you bring the Rolls around? No, not that Rolls, the summer Rolls...”
I always overhear the weirdest stuff at BKB
Trying to pick up a new language, Nathan?
Did you, like me, click through on this?