Sando Calrissian

If this were on public display, maybe... maybe... but this thing is being saved so it can be wheeled back into some other multi-million dollar garage for only the owner to enjoy.

Life-long New Yorker here -

also the best damn feature comparison table I’ve ever seen

also the best damn feature comparison table I’ve ever seen

Hilariously, from the True Cubes site

Hilariously, from the True Cubes site

The SN95 is one of the most car-brand looking cars in the history of ever DON’T @ ME

team Mike over here

Check out Neil Breen over here

Well thurs yer probl’m righ thur

Hey - motorcyclist here,


If it makes you feel better 1.5 years gets a pitty-pluralization.

Unpopular take:

A payday loan guy is getting fucked AND we get a nature sanctuary?  Somewhere out there there’s a tiny violin and it’s playing god damned party rock.

So what does the driver do in one of these? No stearing, is there still a clutch?  Or is this mostly just push button and the human’s in there to put a sort of limit on what the car can do?

Society has a harder time understanding what is appropriate in terms of sex than what is appropriate in terms of violence.

Vegeta boots!

I know this isn’t the popular opinion, and I totally get the reasoning, but I really liked III.

So, functionally, the pro controller is great - but visually it’s pretty much Controller Co. brand. It’s the most basic, straight-forward thing in the world, and while that might not make a difference in-game, it certainly makes it hard to dress up.