San Damiano

There's a good docu about him on YouTube, here's a clip about Elephant specifically with Gary Oldman among others singing its praises

Early days of You Tube i hunted out a censored-by-the-BBFC scene from 'Gangster No 1' a film i hadn't even seen. It's a torture sequence so brutal and realistic and it's the closest i've come to vomiting from something which wasn't illness or alcohol related. In his review Roger Ebert described a different sequence as

It may seem like a cliche now but the oh-shit-they're-at-the-wrong-house moment near the end of Silence.. (Feds ringing the bell at one door, Clarice is at another, audience only realizes when Buffalo Bill answers) was one of the most royally ripped off ideas of editing of the 90s. I mean it was in Speed and

Speaking of this technique, there's an extreme example of it in the 2nd
of these deleted scenes. It would have given a different tone to the
whole performance i think, what with Lecter appearing to be in tears at
one point.

If y'all watch the footage closely he's actually grabbing it, not from Beatty per se but from the 3rd, *other* hand that a split second before grabs it, as it's in Beatty's hand. It seems he was grabbing it more forcefully than that guy, to end the matter as fast as possible. Seriously there are, as someone mentioned

Totally this. Time was really against them too, as it always is at the Oscars! He had no time for messing around.

Is there a name for this sub-genre? As soon as you see that trailer for
Can't Stop The Music, Xanadu and Thank God.. immediately pop in the
mind! They all seem 'of a piece'. Oh also maybe The Wiz? Disco-Gone-Sour movies. So weird how many of them there were; they must all have been green-lit at the same moment or

I can't ever remember another performance by an actress like hers in Ordinary People, there's one shot of her staring into space at the mall after saying 'Hi' to some friends on the elevator and it's one of truest depictions of sadness and loss i've ever seen. Somehow she elicits sympathy and also some pity, i felt at

I'm FOR Marnie and Ray walking off into the sunset. Who's with me?

is that a killer book or what?

It's ok i guess.

Can't believe i thought there would actually BE a sequel when i was a kid (based on the supposed upcoming clips at the end; Jews In Space etc). They did the same in Airplane II but thankfully that was never made either.

Calling Naked Gun 2 for the defence.

The appeal of BBT is utterly lost on me, never understood it whatsoever. Cameo in Love Actually was pretty good though i guess.

I love how he shakes hands with them all at the end, among a ton of other great moments.

EVERYONE on Twitter is raving about the Shea concert footage that was shown along with this in the UK. And presumably elsewhere? Hopefully it'll be an extra on the DVD/Blu.

Informative! I didn't know this.

I think they maybe kinda hate The Anthology now and it will never come out on Blu, hence the 1+ DVD/Blu Ray which contained much of the best non interview footage from it. Paul in particular comes across pretty terribly. And Christ it goes on forever. I think particularly in light of the Scorsese George doc and the

It seems to be a reference to a load of B-movie type stuff from the late 50s/early 60s that would show that kind of imagery when someone was hallucinating or on LSD or delirious some such. Or a Twilight Zone/Outer Limits thing. Also sorta-reminiscent of the technicolour-nightmare sequence in Vertigo? https://www.youtub

Tarantino is a *huge* fan of this film, he said as much at a Needham tribute a few years back.