San Damiano

I'm interested in this because living in the UK, we only got Peanuts in pieces here and there. When i was a kid in the 80s Peanuts was mainly just.. that crummy cartoon in all the crap newspapers. Then one time i got my hands on about 20 paperback collections of 'the early stuff', i was shocked how

Ha i haven't heard that Python-ism for years.

Yeah the scene in the clothes store where she's just .. staring into heartbroken space. Amazing movie due for a reappraisal.

The different cuts/deletions between the many versions are analysed at extraordinary length here. It's.. not as straightforward as one may think.…

anyone see it 3 times yet?

I love how.. people's main gripe about the prequels was that they had none of the magic of the originals, now people's main gripe (not just on here) is that the new sequel is *too like* the first Star Wars! i mean.. poor old JJ can't get a break.

Because Gene Hackman is in it??

They're all wildly different too that's the thing. The first one is like a slow 60s romcom with adventure-y bits (and Sellers isn't in it all that much). Shot In The Dark is hilarious and considered the best Clouseau film by miles but weirdly not thought of as a canon 'Panther' movie (it isn't on any of the Panther

Speaks volumes IMO that some choice bad Lucas quotes in clips of the behind the scenes doc on the YouTube Red Letter Media
reviews ("The set's built already! I'd better start writing this
thing!" "Jar Jar is the key to all this") have become more famous than
any of the actual prequel dialogue.

She was reduced to being Bond's gopher a bit. I mean considering Skyfall introduces her as a top level field op worker who can punch out windscreens with a single bare hand.

Never seen anyone *throw* anything in a cinema before. New low.

Really loved it.
What happened to Moneypenny though?? She vanished.

'Threads' had an impact on me like no other film/ TV show. I felt physically sick for much of it but couldn't turn it off. Had to shower straight after i felt so dirty. I don't think people 'get over' Threads, it just stays with you forever. I know that sounds melodramatic if you haven't seen it.

SO hoping this whole 70MM dealio is happening in the UK also. and with an intermission too!

Rotten wigs.

Although it's tonally 'off' compared to the rest of the Lecter scenes, this deleted Silence of The Lambs scene is a thing of beauty and reminded me just *how* great Hopkins was at his peak

Plenty of callbacks that weren't too heavy handed IMO ("Birdie.." "move
forward" "a thing like that", etc) and also a few more Weiner lols at the
audience's expectations again (Roger saying "are you trying to kill me?"
etc). Somehow it felt like the real 'ending' happened weeks ago. Not
sure why, still taking it all

Gotta say that Elizabeth Moss's reactions during the Stan conversation were incredible; that scene was amazingly acted and written.
Did remind me of the Julia Roberts / Bruce Willis ending of The Player though.

Interesting that Matt Weiner is the sole director of the final 2 episodes. He doesn't do that so much. Can hardly contain my excitement tbh!

was totally getting a Prince 1987-tour-era vibe from Glen, all the stonewash with Peace symbols.