For those interested in what the thing is actually trying to say and can’t quite read the original document or be bothered to parse the machine translation, here’s the gist.
For those interested in what the thing is actually trying to say and can’t quite read the original document or be bothered to parse the machine translation, here’s the gist.
Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.
Ah I didn’t notice, but now that you’ve pointed it out, I totally see it. I dabble in Unreal and know exactly what you mean about the way the exposure changes (especially on the sky, right?)
The only real giveaway, as someone who’s been working with Unreal on a hobbyist level for 20 years now, is the exposure adaptation. The way the camera adjusts to changes in light levels still has a very “Unreal” character to it. Photogrammetry has seriously changed the quality of this kind of stuff though and I love…
Turn the fans and tv volume down before you type, so you don’t have to yell.
Thanks for a pretty fascinating read on the commute!
Nerf Now just starting a long story arc so this is gonna be very out of context for a while!
Damn! That’s a good tip
Counterpoint: it was an informative read and I appreciated that the writer provided his own perspective and experience as context. As a reader I am capable of distinguishing between a news item and an opinion piece and would never hold a gaming enthusiast website like Kotaku to the same editorial standards as, say,…
Awwww, man. CRPGs are one of those genres of game I always really want to like, and rarely actually do (see: incredibly gorgeous, equally punishing side scrollers; anything that involves the phrase ‘bullet hell’). This looks like it will absolutely convince me to buy it, sit in my Steam library making me feel guilty ev…
-100 points for not using Final Antasy when it was right there.
this rips, shout out to dice for throwing this in the trailer.
Still waiting on The Church of Star Citizen to emerge out of all of this.
The thieves used fake names, but would be captured when the cops turned on anti-aliasing.
The fleeing smugglers needed special safety harnesses -- because of the GeForces.
It’s his math, not mine! I’m a reporter, not an accountant, and I do not trust myself to know his finances better than he does. That said, I do intend to interview him after this is all over, and I will absolutely press him on the real total, because I have a feeling that no matter what, it will differ pretty…