Can you let me know when this game releases? It’s been in pre-Alpha for a while now, right?
Can you let me know when this game releases? It’s been in pre-Alpha for a while now, right?
Anyone over 25 remembers when games went from being 100mb/200mb to being 700mb and then finally the 1GB. I remember people telling me there’s no way a 1GB game would be a thing and 14 y/o me thought it was very shortsighted.
I think your claim is a bold one(asking kotaku to take funds and directly put it towards the Hong Kong protests), and not one that I think is right or wrong, but perhaps in a different regard it’s already being met. I’m keeping in mind that the ‘hot topic’ of the Hong Kong Protests might very well be bringing in…
Sincerely, I believe that your initial comment is coming from good intention. But, the road to hell is paved digitally on the internet. There’s some battles you can’t win and the internet isn’t always a great forum that provides a great outlet for intellectual discourse.
Destiny 2 did add bows. =)) How about Fran from Final Fantasy being added?
You’ve got your work cut out for you today. Hope you’ve got a new keyboard if you plan on responding to every single backhanded remark that gets thrown at you. Otherwise, you’re million presses is going to get used up.
Can I get the PS4 version capped at 30 FPS and still skipping? But, I’m very excited about tech and demos!
Has Half Life 3 been advertised somewhere? Obviously it’s always been a community thought, but not sure I’ve ever seen an inkling that it’s being worked on.
Star Citizen I’ve played and experienced even if it’s never been a complete product. I dont think anyone’s enjoyed the overall uncertainty behind the title as time…
I believe its the irony that neither will every be made complete. Star Citizen will be in development until the year 3000 and Half Life 3 will never be made.
You beat Horizon Zero Dawn on PC, yet?
Or, Tetris 99 on your Xbox One?
Or, Golden Eye on anything other than N64 back in 1997?
Has anyone ever considered maybe Gabe Newell met Tom Sweeney at a gathering and asked him to put fornite on Steam. When Tom said no, Gabe spat in his face.
I’m in the same boat here. Only difference is mine was, Fallout 2 was true love and an ever burning flame in my heart until the day I die.
IT’s Jack Skelington!
Texas might suck, but have you been to the State of Dallas? The economy is amazing here.
I came looking to post this, but wanted to see if anyone else did first.
Well Played.
I don’t use the internet often, but when I do, I choose Dos Equis.
Not to be negative... but no.
Battleborn and Aliens colonial marines had features, too.
Gearbox has had the hardest past 6 years of their lives. Would you focus on updating a server decision from a decade ago?