
Fake comment released from Bungie early this morning, “We decided to shorten the year long beta down to only one month so the PC master race can get the best experience possible.” -Bungie Person

Someone quick! Go make a website,‘Creating Destiny 2 Character Look’, to help all your Destiny 2 fashion potential needs!

Does this also apply to the PC version that doesnt release for another month?

Does this also apply to the PC version that doesnt release for another month?

Do you really care if I care about achievments? 🙂

Are they going to take away my Achievement for getting a 5 man res?!

Good looking out Mike. Just downloaded it and giving it a go. I’m also not a huge fan of the ‘click to wait on chest’ mechanic. Sometimes, I just like to pay for games and play them to get past that.

Well played, Mr. Rogers. Well played.

If I was ESPN, I’d be looking at how they’ve cut out doing the design work for when you buy into eSports and start casting it on ‘ESPN Gaming’. Why not just get ahead of the curve because it’ll only be more expensive later.

Canonicity... well played.

Now playing

Allow Wierd Al to explain whats going on here.

This is the most horrifying speculation yet.

Thats where they went to get the Dukes to refurb and put back on the market as nostalgia.

Now playing

Think of Konami like the Mafia. If you don’t do what they say or want, they’ll not only have you blackballed in as many business circles as possible, but anyone associated with you as well.

Thanks Gita, I really needed that. I caught part of the Microsoft reveal yesterday and it made me throw up in my mouth a little.


Im with Tami-onee-chan on this one.

Doom figures in the most recent game. They were fun to find and that animation happened on one of them. It was a cool moment.

From Software is making the next Metroid game.

Im thinking maybe they realized its been a while since people got that Burnout void filled and they want to scratch that itch. Which Im all for. I loved the burnout games, even the color challanged Paradise was fun more often then not.

You, sir, are right, and when you’re right, you’re right. Well put.