Sam Yun

My consumer grade HP printer?

That would be a broken Micro-USB connector.

We have a class like that at my old HS, but it was part of the Business/Fine Arts requirement, which required one credit that was either fine arts or business/computer related.

Are you being serious, or are you seriously stupid? There are many legitimate uses for VBA in Word. Just because you don't need it doesn't mean no one else does. MS clearly says that the document has code, it asks you if you want to run it, and lets you view the code. Why the fuck would you blame Microsoft if YOU open

Sadly, my bank used to have that machine, but got rid of it for some reason... :(

Really? I thought you get a $50 Best Buy credit by buying your phone at BB after you register your number with them.

I think the camera is pretty good. Not super fantastic, but in decent lighting, it works. It's a LOT better than the Nexus 4's camera.

I would definitely wear Glass around. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a young college student or because my friends and I are all into tech and we're geeky but I (nor my friends) think it looks bad. We all think it looks awesome!

Really, its not that difficult.

It originally cost 199 on contract.

What use is that extra 64GB if you can't install applications to it if you need it? (without unsupported workarounds). Also, SD cards are slowly losing support by Google. Now a removable battery would be nice on phones (my N4's battery is junk), but (according to Anand), the battery on the 5S is quite good already.

Dafuq are you talking about with spending extra money for an iPhone? Other than the Nexus 4/5, every other flagship smartphone (HTC One, Samsung GS4/Note 3, Motorola Moto X, etc) is just as expensive, or more so.

Any deals on a Roomba or a Neato?

As long as it's 5V, it'll pull up to what it need.

Someone check this for me, but it says that it only works if you trade it in In Store, only at a Target Mobile store. Clicking on the search for a Target Mobile store shows stores only in the Charlotte NC area. So unless you're near Charlotte, you're SOL?

It is not illegal. However, it is illegal if you use it on a network that you don't explicitly have permission to try to hack. ie hacking your own router to see if it can be hacked is fine. Hacking your friend's router (with your friend having given you permission) is legal. Hacking into your

Go bucks!

When is it worth selling on eBay vs Craigslist? For example, I want to sell my old Macbook Pro, 2011 in pretty good condition. I could probably get at least 700-800 on eBay, but the ebay and paypal fees are so high!

Use USPS flat rate boxes if you can.

Ok, not trolling, but what the the advantages of BBM over other messaging systems? I'm a freshman in college, so I don't know people with Blackberries, so that wouldn't help me, but everyone is on Facebook, so i've been using Facebook messenger. Can this be set as the SMS app on Android? If not, if you don't find