Sam Yun

Now I have a hard time believing there's absolutely nothing you can do. There's almost always something you can cut out. Make food in bulk at home vs buying. Cancel netflix/spotify/cable and go to a friends house or rent from the library. Get rid of your smartphone. Downgrade the internet speeds. All of these are

I can understand your ending point, but their equipment isn't even that much more expensive than others in the same class. For example, the Macbook Air. Sure you can find laptops that are more powerful and/or cheaper, but they're often not as good in the design, and ultrabooks that approach it are just as expensive.

I can understand all of the other points, but seriously? Price tags? They're the same price as every other manufacturer's flagship and even sometimes less (like Droid Maxx for 300). Unless you're comparing it to the crap low end phones, but most people in America don't buy those. And if you and only afford a low end

I completely agree. It was probably one of the best decisions I made to ask my friend if I could come to one of his scout meetings. Even though i'm crap at knots, I got used to sleeping on the ground, I learned how to make fires, I went to two Jambos and a couple summer camps, I slept in a shelter I built outside in

I was at the Summit this past summer. I thought that this was really cool.

Wait really? I'm waiting for my BOR (just turned 18, but if you turn in paperwork before 18th birthday, you can have your BOR 3 months after), and I thought that I was one of the minorities getting it. The last two guys got it when they were 17, and so did a bunch of my friends from a different troop. I thought that

A scientific theory isn't what you think it means.

Wired, because it's always faster and more reliable than wireless.

FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) is an term that applies when a company agrees to license their patents in FRAND terms in exchange for using their patent in a standard. In Samsung v Apple, the patents were CDMA patents that were FRAND. In this case, Apple is under no obligation to license freely because

I find it ironic that Google blocked AdBlock from the Google Play store.

Can a student buy that? I was under the impression that only staff can buy them.

Also I think Zoe?

I agree but on one hand, there's punishment, on the other hand, we're spending money on them. I think it'd be better if we give them the mercy of death.

IMO, scum like that should just be put to death. Prisons are too full to keep dirtbags like that alive on the taxpayer's dime.

You know that, I know that, everyone knows that, but until they fix it, we have to live with it.

But you still need the exam

I bought a Corsair Survivor 32GB for $35 I think that I keep on my key chain. I spent that much money because I know I'll never lose it, and it is pretty much indestructible. The other flash drives I kept all broke, so i splurged and bought this.

We learned this is AP Physics a couple months ago! Torque = Lever arm x force perpendicular, so the longer the lever arm, the more torque you get with the same force.

Sure there are. But how many of those places would you get WARRANTY support? With Apple, you can walk into a store, get warranty support (if covered) to get it fixed for free, then come back the next day if the problem is too serious to fix on the spot. With PCs, if your problem is covered by a warranty, you need to

Theres authorized repair shops throughout for various manufacturers around the country? I don't mean random shops that can fix your computer, I mean actual places for warranty service. I don't think those really exist.