Sam Yun

Some people are probably wondering why Victoria was so important. Consider this. Moderators of subreddits are unpaid volunteers. They aren’t officially part of Reddit. Victoria was employed by Reddit for public relations, but she was also in charge of organizing AMAs. People who don’t know how to use Reddit,

No shit you don’t edit in 8k. Or 4k. I’d be surprised if you edit in 1080. The appeal of a larger resolution screen is that you can fit more onto the screen. Longer reel means I don’t have to scroll as much, or zoom out then in. I can see more effects on the screen without scrolling. See more clips at once.

False. Technically speaking, Jailbreaking is privilege escalation. Allowing processes to gain elevated access to resources. Such as root access.

Except these idiots aren't putting light pressure on it.

WEP can be easily brute forced, but WPA2 cannot. There are no known vulnerabilities with WPA2-AES.

I wouldn't say that. Our TV is from 2007 and is a 720p plasma. That replaced a TV from 2001, which replaced a TV from 1994. A lot changed in 6 years.

But a timer can't really be improved nor can it be changed without physically being at the timer. A Smart TV is connected to the Internet, isn't updated after a year or two, and without these updates, is vulnerable to outside attacks. So what if it's cheap to add the chips if it could be hacked after a year or two

Im guessing you have to send them your location yourself.

Oh sure, I'm just playing Devils Advocate.

Well, it could be construed that the SSD is like an external hard drive. As in instead of SATA power and data, it's USB or thunderbolt or something.

Except not everyone has a cap nor is throttled. Businesses/people on a business class connection aren't capped nor throttled, and people on non-shitty ISPS aren't capped nor throttled. Also, people should know how to secure themselves if they're opening their network to the world. If they don't "segregate open traffic

Nope. I registered yesterday with my address and it all just showed up.

It's from an episode of Doctor Who. I think Season 3?

Ohio. Go Bucks! Today was actually pretty good. Chilly, but sunny.

4/15: Snow in April. WHAT IS THIS CRAP. I want to wear shorts outside, dammit!

They started doing this in Columbus too.

Adblock is your friend.

I'm guessing by using Configurator? If so, wouldn't you need to provision it before giving it to the student? As in you can't take your brother's wife's mother's niece's iPad locked with Activation Lock and wipe it?

No, I mean the male connector of the cable was broken. The phone's female end is meant to be strong, and the male connector of the cable is meant to break, since replacing a cable is cheaper than replacing the phone.