Sam Yun

How is that different from PCs? If your Dell breaks, you have to send it into Dell. If your HP breaks, you have to send it into Dell. If your Asus breaks, you have to send it into Asus. Granted, you can tear it open yourself and fix it yourself, but same with Macs (iFixit is your friend). And granted Macs can be

You could still send it in. I believe (I'm not sure) that Apple will send you a label.

I beg to differ. First, the support. With Apple hardware, you typically walk into the Apple Store, explain your problem, and get your hardware fixed or tested. Every time I had a problem, I've been in and out, including the wait for the Genius, in an hour. New phones, new macbook battery, etc. I've heard of reports

What do you mean?

So then what does this mean for that Mars One thing?

Oh I hope so.

Alright thank makes sense. Thanks!

The DDoS and these hacks are different. The DDoS was to US banks, these hacks are towards the infrastructure. Second part is sound. Why are they on the internet? Who the hell knows.

Here's my question. Why the hell aren't these critical systems on a closed network, unconnected to the internet?

This is great and all, but when are they going to add HD video support? When both my friend and I have 720p webcams and 50/5 connections, its ridiculous that the video looks like junk.

I don't think it'd be possible... but assuming it was, I would not. There are so many other ways to communicate. Facebook, SMS, phone calls, snail mail, etc.

What if the problem is that your feet are too warm? Sometimes, up until a few years ago and even occasionally today, I have trouble falling asleep because my feet are too warm, even if the rest of my body is comfortable. Even putting my feet out of the covers doesn't work. I had to resort to putting my feet against my

I remember paying about this much for my 50" 720p Plasma a few years ago. How the times have changed. :D

Fair enough. Those magnets are the best.


Natural de-selection...

My question is, who has time to maneuver the thing in place without being caught by people or cameras?

Sad face... They don't have anything near me...

I thought there was a study showing no correlation between a hard drive's life and the amount of time it was on? I would think that if anything, it'd die quicker if the hard drive is turned on and off multiple times because of the power to start the hard drive.

Where are you getting 45 million?