Sam Yun

Fair enough.

He's talking about this:

You can add those numbers to a custom contact and then set a custom ringtone to silent. That might alleviate some of the problem (some, not all.)

Keep in mind that the brief period when the GSIII outsold the iPhone was in the few months between GSIII's release and iP5's release. People knew not to buy the old iPhone to get the new iPhone and so waited.

Assuming the deposit is less than a couple thousand, you could take the landlord to small claims court, which doesn't take too long.

Theres another advantage for the Sony SLTs. They are compatible with the old Minolta AF lenses. I bought a 50mm f/ 1.7 prime on eBay for just $50 bucks.

No Macklemore or PSY?

Its functionally the exact same thing. Same hardware, just a different case and cooling. My Xbox 360 from 2005 and by 360 Slim from last year play the EXACT same things at the EXACT same quality. The difference? The Slim is smaller and has better cooling and HDMI.

Go to Joann Fabrics or somewhere and pick up like a no-pill fleece. The one I bought was like 5 bucks a yard, and its like 2 yards wide. You can also sew it together to make is wider.


So whats your point. Just because they aren't delivering the mail, they won't stop processing it. If I send a letter on Monday which usually gets delivered on Thursday, itd be held until Friday.

Yes i am, based on my limited experiences. I'm too lazy to search for a bonafide study, but from my experiences, of all of the people I know, only roughly 30 people own DSLRs, and of those, 20 don't use it that much.

Alright come on. You're that 10% that does more than post pictures on Facebook. This camera is for the majority of people that share photos online, on Facebook or Flickr, send to family, etc.

For 90% of the people, a smartphone's camera is good enough. For almost everyone, carrying 1 device is better than carrying two. In good lighting, the phone's picture and the P/S will look very similar. In bad lighting, the phone's picture and the P/S should still look similar, albeit with probably a visible

When camera phones have come to the point where they are equal to or better than point and shoots, people would expect this to also have a good picture.

That is (hopefully) the future. They don't degrade much, and can charge very quickly. However, the problem is, as they discharge, the voltage goes down, while it discharges very very quickly. Also, the energy density isn't as good. Right now, for the size of a car battery, you have the equivalent energy of a AAA

Try again. MSRP is $299. You're thinking of the OEM version.

Thats what I figured. Sigh.

Hear hear. The thing i'm worried about (for my underclassmen friends) is that if the school doesn't update, come next April, we'd be the target of every malware maker.

At least im graduating this year, and don't have to deal with the clusterfuck that'll happen. And our machines had to be bought from the school's Dell pricing, via the tech department. We bought 2 of these machines for about 1500 apiece. They have Core 2 Duos, 2GB of RAM, 1 low end quadro card, and 500GB HDD.