
A dictatorial born again bozo of a Prime Minister who we tossed out on his ass during last year’s federal election.

Even during the darkest days of the Harper regime I never even once considered moving south. You guys are fucking nuts.

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.

There’s no way to be sure that the other prisoners will beat and rape him, so you’re really leaving way too much to chance. Government agents should just beat and rape him themselves until he gives up the passwords. You know—cut out the middlemen!

...unless he isn’t actually a pedophile, in which case an innocent man (or at least a man that is not a pedophile) is being denied his freedom and simple human contact.

Rarely, do people understand why we acknowledge and accept that some crimes will go unpunished in order to secure greater freedom for everyone.

This case is a facist’s wet dream: anyone who objects is a supporter of child porn!

You had me at “laudanum”, but you really sealed the deal with “topaz mermaid city”. If I could sing that would be the name of my debut album.

Hey, 19th Century Freudian psychiatrist here. This is a classic case of Electra complex. I recommend a tincture of laudanum, sometime before the Cleveland convention.

Funny you should ask...

Burn it to the ground. It’s surprising enough she got a conviction out of a football player in Texas. Hopefully she gets fuck-you rich off of this and these football factories masquerading as places of learning might think twice before minimizing a victim of the environment they created.

Otherwise, McCraw said, it would come down to a “he said-she said” situation, and the school could not act on it.

Because women are whores. Didn’t you get the memo? If not, sign up here.

Even Donald Trump’s daughter is involved in the family business. Reevaluate yourself when Donald Trump has better views of women than you.

...and his son will grow up with the knowledge that he was genetically engineered to live the life his father wanted for him! Not to mention help absolve his mom’s guilt over a manslaughter charge! Healthy stuff all around!!!

Yeah these people should not be making more people.

His daughters must feel so wanted and loved.

Dustin Lance Black’s tweet is a Leap Day gift to us all.