Wanda Sykes!
Wanda Sykes!
Let’s see. Clea Duvall was also with Camilla Grey who left her for bandmate Leisha Hailey who was once with KD Lang.
~Some dude with a Trump bumper sticker
We only hire people who just took the job to support their coke habit.
Buying overpriced crap to impress your “friends”, via a carefully curated social media presence, far as I can tell.
“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.
Wow, what a sweet guy! So many PEOTUS supporters just come across as warm-hearted, kindly people who put the interests of the country above their own profits and prejudices.
“But I just wanted to tell you in front of everybody today that I do forgive you. My religion teaches me to forgive so that I can move on with my life. If I hold a grudge and I hold the hate you hold towards me against you, it’s not going to serve me well. So in front of everybody here, I do forgive you, and I hope…
Is she funny or something?
Or “Opinions Are The Facts Of The Future”
This article could just be called “I’m getting older”. I know what it feels like, it is happening to me too.
Yeah the feigned innocence is getting old.
Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately…
I want to. I want to feel schadenfreude so very badly, but the schadenfreude is so shitty when it also affects me...
Not only that, it’s been confirmed that Ivanka is getting the first lady office, not Melania. I think Melania wants very little to do with this administration at all. And I think Ivanka wants it very, very much.
She’d divorce him yesterday if there wasn’t a prenup and the threat of deportation. The Stockholm syndrome wore off after she was released from her birdcage to go on the campaign trail.
Have you seen the letter to the judge on behalf of his rape apologist friend Leslie Rasmussen? It's all boys will be boys, and college is to blame, and the victim should not be blamed but...then she goes on to blame the victim and talk about real rape vs. college rape, and how she knows him better than anyone and he's…