
I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a sequel/updated rerelease of FE Heroes at some point after Mercenary Hogwarts is released. I’d be willing to bet if that happens, either Hector or Ike getting added to the roster is something I could see happening (along with Byleth and at the very least Edelgard from Mercenary

Ah, so by the bootstraps then.

I see Baron Harkonnen bounced back okay from that whole debacle on Arrakis.

I think it’s actually recently been changed to “Please Notice Us, Trump-senpai!”

Hell I don’t WANT to be a millionaire anymore; I mean, when I was a kid I thought about how great it would be to have ALL that money but now I just see having that much just seems to warp people on a fundamental level, and I don’t want that.

I just want to support myself, my family, and make enough to live comfortably.

but do they got the Master Plan?

They already blame Obama for the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

This is eminently plausible.


I’ve heard it said if you want to prevent World War II, it’s not Hitler you kill, but rather, you’d go back earlier and kill Otto von Bismarck to prevent the unification of the German state behind Prussia, or at the very least delay it long enough for there to be no unified German identity for Hitler and the Nazis to

I remember watching the gradual shedding of “The Rock” as he got more films under his belt. The first one was that execrable Scorpion King film where he was listed on posters and the like as simply “The Rock”. Then the next few films the one of which I remember was...uh, Walking Tall? Walk Tall? Something like that,

I have to give it to his handlers; I was thinking inside of a week he’d have forgotten he ever said he was gonna stay in Washington and jet off to Mar-a-Lago, and to be fair, he probably did, and wanted to, but his handlers are doing a good job of keeping the little shithead from actually chartering a plane and doing

Mahershala Ali gives *such* a good fuckin’ performance as Davis, like seriously. I didn’t really know about him until S1 Luke Cage, but since then I’ve seen more of his work, and he definitely needs more of it, because he’s fan-tucking-fastic.

My partner and I finally got that Switch we’d been thinking about so my weekend is gonna consist of lots and lots of Fire Emblem Warriors. Plus maybe some Spider-Man on the PS4 if I have time.

FE Warriors is...surprisingly good. I mean, I was sure I was gonna like it anyway, but the merging of DW and FE gameplay works

Eli was like my favourite character in Boardwalk Empire. Especially after he gets out of prison and he’s no longer the self-important little dumbass he was before he went in. I like the scene when he gets out and it’s Mickey Doyle of all people who’s been sent to pick him up (showing just how fallen from Nucky’s good

It turned out the guy he’d spent the last couple of hours interrogating was the Wall, but by then it was too late.

It’s funny to think that Awakening was meant to be the final game in the series, but then it went and made Fire Emblem popular again, and to such a degree that now the FE mobile game is one of Nintendo’s biggest cash cows at the moment. XD

What I’d like to see:
Option for female Joker. There’s no reason to my mind why any game with a silent, renamable player stand-in main character shouldn’t have this option today, but that’s just me.

I’d be surprised if Binding Blade + Blazing Blade weren’t going to get the Shadows of Valentia remake treatment before too long; maybe as a compilation release, and with Binding Blade redone to better incorporate the events of Blazing Blade.

It’ll never happen, but I’d love to see a remake of Live A Live for like the DS or something. Great little SNES JRPG that never made it out of Japan (a pretty solid fan translation for emulators has existed for years though), featuring a bunch of self-contained little stories that take place throughout time (the

This is what got me too. “And as he has fulfilled most of his campaign promises” BITCH YOU ARE RAISING MONEY FOR HIM SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE HE COULDN’T KEEP HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES.

Which I bet doesn’t even fucking register.