
Especially because the actual actor Rousey replaced was Tricia Helfer of Battlestar Galactica and Mass Effect fame, who was really good! It was *such* a downgrade.

eh, it’s just gonna turn out to be another Sombra tease.

Farmer: *Finds himself inside a temporal seam being hunted by Cell* Better do what any sensible middle American would do in this situation: GET MAH GUN!

yeah, in that timeline these douches would have just spent the same amount of money for like the original Ralph McQuarrie production sketches of the original ‘77 Star Wars film and this guy would be saying “Dude, imagine if a generation of kids had grown up on Star Wars instead of fucking Jodorowsky’s Dune.”

Every time one of the these Republican fucks starts on about the rAdIcaL leFtIsTS I just wanna smack the shit out of them. Like, fuck you man.

God damn it, Sang-woo. 

Are the Dawn of War games basically still the only good digital option for playing Warhammer 40K? I’ve always loved the look of the game (even have a few old codices kicking about from a trip to England over a decade or so back), but I have neither the money, time, manual dexterity or patience to build an army of

Either that or “wokeness” seems to be their snarl word *du joure*

I had Ezio do nothing but grapple Rodrigo, toss him to the ground, and then repeatedly nut-stomp him to death.

What’s the over/under this tough guy was sobbing his eyes out when he was being arrested?

In fact, the only way he could ever actually fire someone in-person is if it was done in the highly-scripted and controlled environment of The Apprentice. The rest of the time he was too much of a chickenshit to do it himself.

I don’t know how I, as a small child in Canada in the 90s, saw this, but I vaguely remembered the Bunyip song and this brought it all screaming back. I don’t remember anything about the rest of the movie(?) though, but I must have seen it. We must have had it taped, for some reason.

I’d happily *set* him on fire, at least!

The man who made “You’re fired!” his catch phrase yet was pathologically terrified of having to *actually* fire someone.

Dread it, run from it, it arrived just the same. And now, it’s here.

Bill O’Reilly on TV spitting the word “arugula” like it killed his mother.

You know what, I’d actually support the fuck out of Trump doing that, because OANN would be signing its own death warrant by letting Trump take over. One more business for him to run into the ground.

I would gather Gigawatt is a heavily-retooled version of the most recent Sideswipe toy from the Siege line. Though Armada Wheeljack cribbed pretty heavily from G1 Sideswipe, so you’re not too far off.

So many questions but the fact that men are the baseline and divided into multiple groups based on age while women are relegated into being a bonus add-on and seniors being the highest value targets over even children *really* shines a light onto the current demographics and values of the Republican party.

“My name is Maggie, for we are many.”