
My brother took my father to see the Sixth Sense in theaters. My brother had already seen it, but my dad hadn’t. Ten minutes in, my dad leans over and says “So, Bruce Willis is dead, right?” and ruined the fun for my brother.

Tales From The Borderlands is also way, way better than it has any right to be.

How do you fuck that up?! HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP?!"

Just remember; instead of this, we got “The Child” as the season two premiere.



I like using the grab mechanic to toss him on his ground so I can beat him by way of sustained, repeated nutstomps.

Best final boss fight ever.

Micromanaging employees’ footwear is exactly the kinds of hands-off approach I’ve come to expect from the party that routinely touts itself as being for “small government”.

Maaya Sakamoto is one of the bests, but I’ll always know her better as Hitomi Kanzaki from Escaflowne than her music career.

Which is not to say her music is not excellent, because it is! I have a bunch of them on my computer. Hitomi was just the first thing I ever saw her in (first VA role too, I believe) and she was

You and my mom. She loves her Dwayne.

Bah. All TRUE FANS knows the REAL romance of FFVIII is Zell x hot dogs.

No arguments from me.

I’m still waiting for the cancer that was kind enough to off Rob Ford to come back and finish the job with his brother. That shit’s gotta be hereditary, right?

So he’s Gul Dukat?

Pretty sure the Crabbe and Goyle in this scenario are Eric and Don Jr.

Nah, I’m going to wait for Destiny to drop its first Exotic Potato Cannon, Ace of Spuds.

That’s right up there with the Picard Truffle Shuffle gif.

MAY be?

Or talking about how big their hands are.

True, it’s not a decision I regret, and the fact that as of last month I own a PS4 Pro shows that Sony got a customer pretty much for life when I made the purchase.

I’m just saying if my brother had been willing to shell out his own Christmas money we could have had the PSX AND the N64, y’know? We could have both come

I was gonna buy an N64 with my Christmas money that year (it was easier for my grandparents than trying to suss out what toys or video games I was asking for) because a friend of mine at the time had one and I thought Super Mario 64 was the coolest shit ever, but the night before we were gonna head to the store and

*Puts on nerd glasses* A REAL samurai would be showing some sick-ass trick shots with his bow from horseback, since that’s what samurai originally were, mounted archery units. They had katanas sure, but their preferred weapon for when they HAD to get into melee was the yari, a spear, not the sword.

It wasn’t until the