
Or blow their nose with it.

And then inside of four months, they’re gonna forget why they were so pissed off, go out, and buy another pair of Nikes.

I imagine a similar situation played out with that insipid Keurig fiasco.

Any chance it’ll be out on home release before the end of the year? This looks like it might be a good candidate for my family’s New Years movie marathon. Last year we did Your Name, Bright, and Being John Malkovich.

God I miss John Candy.

Well, we don’t like to cause a fuss.

So if they have Monica Rambeau...and they’re getting the X-Men rights back...that means...oh my god...

This would also be after Phil Coulson got back from that undercover stint in a Los Angeles hospital while investigating Keyser Soze?

I’m glad to hear that they’ve started to course correct from season 1, which can best be summed up with
“Danny no”

In the morass that was season one Iron Fist, Ward Meachum was my spirit animal. Seriously. He’s got Daddy Faramir to deal with to start, a secret that he’s got to keep from his sister, then Danny Rand shows up and starts Danny Rand-ing all over the place and it just snowballs from there...and Ward just really wants to

Vimy Ridge says hi, too.

I got the chance, years ago, to spend an hour or so at the memorial there during the early evening on the road to Paris. Hell of a thing. Never forget it.

That’s the Canadian equivalent of a “fuck you”.

Sorry about all the profanity.


I’ll wait for the movies.

They did, but I’m not sure Genji disproves OP’s point.

He’ll always be Lelouch to me.

I’m pretty sure the Bible says that Jesus and Moses used AR-15s to conquer the Romans. First Corinthians, probably.

I consider the first one to be something of a guilty pleasure, but enjoyable overall. Getting Cullen back for Prime was a smart move.

And then he went and voted yes on the fucking tax cut bill that, amongst other things, gutted the ACA of the individual mandate!

Way to take a stand there, and then almost immediately turn it into a completely hollow, meaningless gesture, Johnny-Boy.

Oh, he did pick up. Yeah, the call came up on the screen with the name “REX NOVA” on it, so I was like “Hi, is this...Rex Nova?” And the guy was like “This is Rex.”

He ultimately wasn’t interested in purchasing the credit card I was trying to sell, but seemed to get a kick out of me telling him he had the best name

The end of Origins briefly has you go to Late Republican Rome, and given that Brotherhood is one of my favourite games in the series, and Renaissance-era Rome one of my favourite AC cities, the idea of doing a game set fully in the Late Republican/Early Imperial Roman setting is of tremendous interest to me. In fact,

I also remember really digging Duncan’s Kingpin, though I felt it was a little silly how he filled his entire office with water, the one thing Daredevil needed in his final fight to beat Fisk (breaking all the glass and dousing him with water and allowing Matt to “see” him because of it). Other than that, I don’t