
And I certainly did my best to respect their wishes, but it’s such an ingrained behaviour for me I found myself constantly starting to say it and then having to backtrack it. But I did my best.

I’ve worked a few telemarketer jobs in my day (I needed money and they were hiring), and while I don’t recall any women I ended up speaking to objecting to being addressed as “ma’am”, I DO remember more than a few guys who responded negatively to being referred to as “sir”. Which is tough for me, since it’s my go-to

Well, he never says “Ah say, ah say, SON!” but other than that, yeah, pretty fucking spot-on.

I wasn’t aware the Fabio on the cover of a Harlequin Romance look was back in style!

Can’t wait to see the Instagram post about this guy getting socked in the head by a goose.

My dad loves Big Bang Theory. Anytime we have a family dinner he’ll invariably want to show us some clips from Youtube and no matter how many times we tell him we don’t share his enthusiasm for the show, it just. Never. Works.

mo’ like Ben Swolo amirite

I love Anthony Mackie’s posture while Luis is relaying his portion of the conversation.

Still sad we haven’t seen one of these with Hank. I’d love to see Michael Douglas trying to act like Luis in these.

Avengers 4: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Infinity War Part 2

Oh so he wants to basically do Metal Gear Solid 4. Great.

He lives in his own solipsistic world where he’s a handsome, brilliant, universally beloved dictator with a huge penis

Only if this dumpster fire happened in the alley behind an adult video store. You know, for just the right amount of class.

how is it raining in my TV room

“Old man, play us another song.”

“Are you kidding me? I AM BLIND!”

Rosalind Chao (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

I binged the season on Saturday, and I have some thoughts. But overall I liked it.

Firstly, I’m reading on TVTropes that there was a lot of pushback from DreamWorks about the whole Shiro/Adam thing, and that the Japanese language track, and a couple others (including apparently unused English audio too) is in fact just

I love how she continues to claim “fake news” (through her spokesperson) even after THE VERY UNIVERSITY SHE HAS BEEN CLAIMING TO ATTEND SAYS NO, SHE DIDN’T FUCKING ATTEND. But no, even when confronted with this, she still has the gall to have her little minion dismiss it as “fake news” while she’s off dealing with her

fuck I’d play it.

Hell no. Being Ontarian, I find myself wishing daily that the cancer that took care of Rob Ford’s bloated cocaine-sniffing ass comes back and finishes the job with brother Doug.

Yeah, but what happens when we have the Vespene gas, and we start building the wall, only to get it halfway done before some chucklefuck gets on the line and tells us construction has to be halted until we CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS.

Then some sweet pylon construction gig gets awarded to one of Trump’s buddies, which

I already have Joker, but I’m passing on Ann and Yusuke. But if they’re dead set on doing all the Phantom Thieves, I would be most definitely interested in getting Ryuji, Makoto, and Haru, since they were my main team in P5.