samuraimarmoset you HAVE to be a proto-Assassin? Or can you instead join the Order of Ancients/Proto-Templars? If they’re pushing this RPG thing as far as they can, then logically, it seems to me they’d give you that option, and I love, love, LOVE Assassin’s Creed Rogue.

...That the one with the kid who fights with a ghost samurai, right?

Damn straight. One of them was my grandfather, Cedric. He spent three, maybe four years in that POW camp after he got shot down, he was the navigator on B2 I believe. He helped disperse the dirt from the tunnel in his pant leg, but he didn’t leave until the war ended. My parents have his discharge papers in a display

As someone who spent an entire year hooked on Morrowind and its expansions back in high school, I went back and replayed it off of Steam last year. It...has not aged well, to say the least.

And the Canadian government has already apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions.

You guys remember hearing about Toronto’s drug-using meathead mayor a few years ago, and that kerfuffle over the tape Gawker acquired? He was mayor of our largest city, and we just elected his drug-dealing meathead younger brother to head the provincial government.

I actually really like the idea of going back to the early, early days of the post-War world. One of the problems the games, I think, have faced going forward is the Wasteland becoming more settled, more tamed. Stepping back to before even the first game, which was a generation out from the War is a good way of

Oh, this is good news. I stayed away from Vesperia the first time around after I heard about the Japan-only content. I would happily buy this, though.

Thanks. You know, you guys are good too, eh. Sorry aboot the rough patch you’re havin’ right now, but don’t you worry, we know it’s not you guys. Have a good one.

Patrick Wilson was great in season two of the Fargo TV show, playing baby Keith Carradine.

Well, my Magic Resistance is pretty low. I have to be very careful around enemy mages, or they’ll eat me for dinner.

How on earth do we have beef with Canada?! Everybody loves Canada. It’s like the golden retriever of countries.

The bad guys are the Dominion? I wonder how many times they’ll let you kill Weyoun.

Remember when he tried that stupid handshake on Trudeau, and Trudeau, who was not having any of it, shut it the fuck down? I’m no fan of the Liberal Party, but I really enjoyed that.

I can buy that.

And Thanos.

Prior to seeing Burn After Reading, the only Coen Brothers film I had seen was Oh Brother Where Art Thou, so I didn’t really have a good grasp of their style of film. So it was a legitimate shock to me when Pitt gets blown away. I also remember sitting in the theatre thinking “There’s no plot, but everyone is acting

Oh, the Zardoz treatment.

What about the Institute?

I wonder if she has a sister named Ivi.