


The bottle of Diet Coke displayed prominently in the foreground seems especially apt for this story.

On average, they have a longer work day too.

Yeah, Great Danes are some of the best apartment dogs you can get because most of the day they spend sleeping or otherwise lazing around. And a good walk is enough for when they start getting really rambunctious.

Absolutely. My parents have a Great Dane at home, and he’s always been more nervous around other dogs than they’ve generally been of him, so a lot of his training as a puppy (Finn’s approaching eight years old now and starting to feel it; arthritis started kicking in a little after Christmas) was about helping him

After Bolton got hired, a TV at my work ran a news report about it, calling specific attention to his “gunslinger’s mustache” and my eyes proceeded to roll right out of my head and across the floor. Gunslinger’s mustache. What the hell.

Not gonna lie I thought for a second this was a For Honor article because the thumbnail almost looked like one of the Elimination/Dominion maps (Market Town).

Still gorgeous even with the distinct lack of a samurai fighting a viking in the middle of it though.

Nextwave is AMAZING. I own the trade. It’s stupid and funny and awesome.

Wait, My Immortal WASN’T a trollfic? I always assumed it was like anything by the late, great Sir PeterChimaera or the Half-Life: Full-Life Consequences mythic cycle.

That reminds me, I really do need to get the Collateral Blu-Ray. Foxx is EXCELLENT in that. I don’t even mind Tom Cruise since he makes such a good villain.


I think I saw Ace Ventura 1 once at friends’ house during a sleep-over. I have next to no memories of it. I DO remember watching Ace Ventura 2 and thinking it was exceptionally funny except for the bit with the raccoon at the start that really fucked up 10 year old me for awhile.

Sith is not good, but what redeems it-for me, at least, YMMV if you ever sit down to watch-is that Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid are clearly having a blast as Obi-Wan and Palpatine and I find that rather endearing. Especially after Palpatine goes full Emperor, he leaves no part of the scenery unchewed. And I dig it.


I still enjoy when the shields come up, and Qui-Gon takes advantage of the lull to sit down and meditate, while Maul just stalks around like a caged tiger. It’s a small moment, but tells you a lot about the two, and it was apparently done on the fly! Liam Neeson ad-libbed the meditation, and when Ray Park admitted he

Truly a gaffe of Titanic proportions

I also think Loki will come back, but not as Tom Hiddleston.

If they want to REALLY be true to the early MCU, then if Baby Rhodey does show up, he should really be a de-aged Terrence Howard. Get all meta about it.

Seriously, the entire Instruments of Destruction sequence was like, the most metal the Decepticons have ever been. You know it’s bad when Scavenger gets to take out an Autobot.


To be fair, Vision DID kind of channel Optimus’ death a little when HE turns grey and lifeless after Thanos re-kills him.

Tony cutting Thanos’ cheek allowed him to infect Thanos with some of his suit’s nanomachines, I’ll bet you anything. Thanos has a bunch of Iron Man nanites flowing through his bloodstream right now that he has no idea about. That’s going to be important. I don’t know HOW, but it will be.