
Counterpoint: Don’t show them Tales From Earthsea, because Tales From Earthsea is not very good!

I still say this short’s greatest success is making the TIE Bomber look badass. It’s my favourite sequence.

Followed by “Patton Oswalt is SEVENTY-TWO?!”

Also probably worth considering (not, like, a lot, but still) the minute it became public she was leaving him, all those mouth-breathers currently calling her the classiest First Lady ever and a much needed breath of fresh air after [insert racist slurr about Michelle Obama here] would immediately turn on her for

Oh neat, I didn’t realize they’d managed to clone the late, great John Candy.

Said no one ever about Trump’s


Not using Linkle for Breath of the Wild always seemed like such a missed opportunity to me, mostly because of how OBVIOUS it seemed. Link is a cipher for the player, the developers have said that, which is why he can be renamed. So then they go and actually create female Link design for the Dynasty Warriors spin-off,

Is that Black Panther by way of the Witcher, or was it an outfit he actually sported in the comics, because either way I am fucking down for it. Absolute favourite.

I remember my older brother telling me about the game he was running a few years back where he revitalized the Norse Empire to become the dominant force in Europe, which really solidified after he, in his own words, “conquered Rome in a fit of pique”, forcing the Papacy to relocate to Albania. When a later Pope tried

I’ll also wager that she will harangue the press corps for awhile about why they’re so busy ignoring the REAL STORY which is Mission: Accomplished (apparently) in Syria and instead focusing on the incredibly minor, trivial detail that the photo is fake, which is just further proof of the lengths the Dishonest Media

I don’t remember who it was, but there was a commenter on here awhile back, who said “I remember hearing Bill O’Reilly spit out the word “arugula” like it killed his mother” and it made me laugh.

This was years ago, but I have very fond memories of the first Escort-class ship I managed to get in that game, the USS Kshatriya. It was succeeded by the Chevalier and then the...uh...Templar? I think. But the Kshatriya remains my favourite of those ships.

Actually, it’s my understanding that the Yorktown isn’t used for the new Enterprise even though that would literally explain all the problems it has in Final Frontier given the beating it takes from the Probe at the start of Voyage Home.

He ascends to LITERAL GODHOOD at the end of his run. Beat that, Kirk!

The Pimp Hand thing is a joke from Chuck Sonnenberg of SFDebris, who does a lot of different video sci-fi video reviews (with a sprinkling of fantasy and the odd anime here and there) but got his start doing sarcastic Voyager videos back in the early 2000s or so before branching out to Enterprise, and then the rest of

Remember, they’re the party of Personal Responsibility!

Me too.

The Heart Eyes version also just about sums up my reaction to this story too.

(Also, your screen name is one of my absolute favourite Buffy quips ever)