
You know, I really hope the Duffer Brothers track down whatever trailer park Steve Guttenberg has been living in for the last twenty years or so and offer him a spot in season three of Stranger Things. Would really help to capture the spirit of the zeitgeist to have him in.

So, basically, “You didn’t win, I lost” mentality writ large?

You know what I miss? Hero Quest. My older brother had that game when I was very little, but it’s long gone now. And complete sets go for ridonkulus prices on eBay now. There’s a game in desperate need of a remake. I barely even remember how it was played, I just remember the awesome miniatures it came with,

If you’ve ever played Dynasty Warriors Gundam (the first one, at least) Zechs also has the fact that the game’s Original campaign mode decided “Hey, let’s put Zechs (Milliardo, whatever) into a team-up with Domon Kasshu and Elpeo Puru because why the fuck not” going for him and the three of them are legitimately one

Zechs’ main problem is that they attempt to cram all three UC series of Char’s character development (enemy pilot with hidden agenda-uneasy ally-radical visionary Spacenoid leader running on a “fuck the Earth” policy) into him in a single series, and even with 52 episodes or so it still comes off as more than a bit

Are we sure this isn’t part of the Shake It Up revival we’ve all been clamouring for, Fuck It Up?

I think I need to go back to Mad Max. It was a Christmas present, and I was really enjoying it...right up until the damn mandatory race late in the game, for the V8 engine and I ran right into a brick wall that I couldn’t overcome. See, there’s a car in front of you that you have to destroy with your Thunderpoon (a

I think I need to go back to Mad Max. It was a Christmas present, and I was really enjoying it...right up until the damn mandatory race late in the game, for the V8 engine and I ran right into a brick wall that I couldn’t overcome. See, there’s a car in front of you that you have to destroy with your Thunderpoon (a

So I really enjoy how whoever made that Photoshopped picture of Gonzalez supposedly shredding the Constitution also went to the trouble of making her look like some kind of junkie. The paler skin, the bags under the eyes...because if there’s one thing besides their gun-humping these shitheads have, it’s their “kill

Do you WANT a spike in claymore-related violence? Because that’s what you’ll get if mandate kilts for everyone!

I actually thought he looked like a heavily-bearded Bryan Cranston myself.

Amongst the Pythons themselves, they always considered it their best work, even if Holy Grail is more widely-known.

Now playing

Up until now everything I knew about Boondock Saints came from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. So thank you for that.

Sir, that is your opinion and I will defend to the death your right to have it, but no Stephen Colbert character break will ever top the greatness that is Stephen breaking character over “Filliam H. Muffman” in his Laws of Love sketch from the early days of the Colbert Report.

Regrettably, there does not appear to be

Okay, so here’s my big problem with Battleship.

You go to all the trouble to get Liam Neeson in your movie adaptation of a board game that is known primarily for the catchphrase “You sank my battleship!”

Then, at no point during Liam Neeson’s time on-screen during the film does he ever-EVER-say “We sank their

The Rise of Athens: The Story of the World’s Greatest Civilization, by Anthony Everett. The title is a bit hyperbolic for my tastes (since, y’know, debatable), but I already finished a book on Spartan history (Sparta: Rise of a Warrior Nation) and I figured I’d follow it up with a book about Athens to, you know,

And, uh, because I cannot resist, my partner is a talented artist and did some fanart of Anders cosplaying his namesake not long after we got him and it’s one of my favourite things ever.

And I might as well go three for three. The aforesaid Jazz.

And this is from a few months ago when Anders was a tiny fluffernutter and was adopted by one of our older cats, Spencer, who is now his best friend.

This is our kitten, Anders. He is seven and a half months old and my partner named him after their favourite Dragon Age character.