
This is our kitten, Anders. He is seven and a half months old and my partner named him after their favourite Dragon Age character.

This is our kitten, Anders. He is seven and a half months old and my partner named him after their favourite Dragon Age character.

Nah, s’a Soul Calibur spin-off.

Yeah, I had a rough time in school right up until high school, grade 10. Grade 10 was when I joined my high school’s drama club (we didn’t have it my first year due to the provincial government at the time trying to make after-school activities like clubs mandatory for no extra compensation, and the teachers’ unions

This arc resonates with me because of an experience I had in public school, back in the ‘90s. It was during Phys Ed (gym) and we were playing dodgeball. I was a big awkward kid (my autism probably hadn’t been diagnosed at this point, that didn’t happen until Grade 7 or so, and I think this was grade 5 or 6) who got

I think we all remember the moving speech Frederick Douglass gave about their actions.

best description of Varric I’v ever read

I tried to romance Sera in my first playthrough, but it was complicated by the fact that my Inquisitor was an elf. I could just never seem to get her approval high enough to actually start a relationship, mostly because the BIG approval gains for her were things I could never see myself doing (like conscripting the

I’ve always enjoyed her talking about playing Galadriel and talking about how she had to wear these glam-rocker high-platform boots under the robe because they made her suitably tall enough.

I went to FanExpo in Toronto end of last summer for the first time, and one of the Q&As I went to was John Barrowman’s. Holy crap was I not prepared.

It’s the gold medallion around his neck that really sells the look.

Which is a shame! Weaving did such a good job as Schmidt that I’m sorry he’s expressed absolutely no interest in coming back. They clearly left the door open for it “just in case” (Schmidt clearly undergoes a Bifrost teleport at the end, he’s not disintegrated) but it looks like, much like the real, non-Trevor

A large portion of Malekith’s lines in the Dark World were just him speaking gibberish, so that’s probably part of it too. I mean, the Dark Elf language or whatever, but basically gibberish. So that didn’t help.

they’re not even that good with maybe DAI being an exception, but they’re appealing and i spend at least an hour creating every hawke, warden, inquisitor or shepard.

My partner bought Monster Hunter World on the strength of the character creator alone. I’ve spent more time playing the actual game than they have. XD

Hell, given that this is Trump we’re talking about, I’m half-expecting the meeting will be him doing a re-creation of the end of The Wizard and challenging all the ESA guys to beat him in Mario Bros. 3 to decide the fate of video games.

Talking about ol’ Jack always makes me think of this old PA strip, and it never fails to make me smile:

Watching my older brother play Shining Force I (or, well, just Shining Force back then) on the Sega Genesis that was our very first gaming console. Well, either that or playing Sonic the Hedgehog I on it myself. One or t’other.

I have a lot of fond memories of that Genesis. I think my brother even still has it tucked

So actually, right now is a good time to get back into For Honor, and I say this as somebody who’s been playing For Honor almost since launch. There’s this event right now-Test Your Metal, though it ends in a day or two-and the launch of Season Five has really reinvigorated the playerbase. Yeah, ‘cause I ended up

Tillerson apparently forgot about the death and destruction that came with U.S.-backed right-wing military dictatorships in places like Chile, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.