
Ain’t no sleeping that off, son.

True. We’d probably have to go to a KFC at the end of a killer robot-infested derelict space station or something, just to give me time to work out my rather significant issues with my father on the way.

Yeah, but my Loyalty mission amounts to “buy me some KFC once” and BAM, loyal for life.

Paragon Commander Shepard, because she is a stand-up class act and complete badass who will always go to bat for you, always do the right thing, and is not afraid to pistol-whip dumbasses.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy, for the original Playstation. I bought it WITH the Playstation using Christmas money from my grandparents, which was also my first game console. I had been going to buy an N64 because a friend of mine at the time had one and Super Mario 64 had blown twelve-year-old Samu away, but my older

Never played the original Beyond Good & Evil. Sometimes I don’t think anyone has actually played the original Beyond Good & Evil because the original Beyond Good & Evil doesn’t actually exist, it’s just a very clever social experiment or viral marketing that the originators long ago lost control over.

Are we sure that actually WASN’T Simon Pegg doing the narration?

I’ve always been of a mind that they never had any idea what to actually DO with Juno once she got free, hence the...what, five years of her just farting around on the Internet, looking at Tumblr or whatever. And there was never really TIME to figure out what to do with her because of the games being a yearly thing.

Not QUITE thousands. 22 Flags in Masyaf, plus 100 in The Kingdom, Damascus, Acre, and Jerusalem, with a cheevo for finding each (three for Acre because each of the three districts had a separate set of flags for each of the knightly orders of the Crusades). I actually tried to nab them all on my last playthrough of

Actually when you factor in people like Paul Ryan, you’d get the worst of both Columbia AND Rapture; Columbia’s crazy racist evangelism and hyper-patriotism combined with the Objectivist free-market is god anything goes policies of Rapture. The worst of both worlds, and we don’t even get the cool Plasmid/Vigour powers

My wife’s grandfather was like that when we went to visit them. We were watching his VHS copy of Gettysburg and I was playing with a Generations Springer I’d bought earlier, still paying attention, and my wife had one of her ball-jointed dolls, and halfway through the movie her grandfather suddenly just turned the

You may very well be; David Cronin, I think his name was? Daniel? Something like that. I guess there was a gap between recording the two halves of the first season, of like a year or so? And when they got back to recording for the second half, I would gather they had no idea where he’d gone! So they had to recast Zel

I usually have a Transformer to hand if I need to keep my hands occupied. XD

Plus, you know, Mark Hamill as Muska, and he’s always a treat.

Huh, I always thought Crispin Freeman’s Zelgadis was one of the better-voiced characters in The Slayers dub, once they replaced his original VA (who was legitimately bad). I mean, yeah, his later work is better sure, but for one of his first outings, Zelgadis is pretty damn good. I’ll defend The Slayers dub to the

My preference for subs or dubs when I was a kid was entirely down to what I saw it in first; if it was dubbed, dubbed. If subbed, subbed. To this day I have never actually heard Gundam Wing, The Slayers, Record of Lodoss War, or El-Hazard in their original Japanese. Or Escaflowne in English. Though to be fair, even

Shit, my best friend, who is a total Ghibli fanatic, has one of those DVDs of the original dub. We watched it a few months back. I wonder if he knows how scarce that is now.

Yeah, and then the priest tries to go over the table at him and has to be restrained by Morgan, which is a neat reversal of how calm and composed he’d been during the rest of the episode.

Watch out for Wizards while you’re up there guys.

I always thought the RAcasts were cooler.