
Trumpman’s got nards...!

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The Epic Geordi Maneuver needs the appropriate soundtrack

I will never, ever, get tired of watching Jonathan Frakes sit down like the biggest motherfucking boss in all Starfleet.

I can’t help but be reminded of a line from the late, great, Weird Science TV show of the ‘90s.

Ye-es, I’d say so, if you focused on just the story missions, easily doable in about ten hours.

Syndicate is a solidly middle of the road entry, I found. It’s enjoyable enough, but not great. Still, better than Unity.

And actually, I am going to disagree with you on Rogue; I actually found it to be one of the best of the recent (post-Ezio) AC games. Not only does it retain the best parts of Black Flag (boat

I may or may not be trying to level Conq right now sooooooooooooo...

Nobushi main would have gotten her expelled.

Helicopter Transformers are some of my favourites!

I rewatched Buffy a few years ago and I was surprised by the fact that Dawn was foreshadowed in the season three finale, during that shared dream sequence between Buffy and Faith after their big dust-up; Faith is helping Buffy make the bed in her room, and she makes some weird, off-the-cuff remark about the poem

If it makes you feel any better, my older brother had, like, the huuuuuuuuuuugest crush on Riley back in the day, rather than Angel or Spike. Silver lining?

This reminds me of my near-seventy uncle who just discovered Facebook and has no clue what the hell he’s doing. A few weeks ago he sent my parents a picture taken at my older brother’s wedding a few years back in the mail. A wedding he did not actually attend (my uncle and his partner live a province over and in their

I liked Legend of Korra a lot, but I don’t think I’d go that far; I still think Airbender is the superior show. That said, I DO think Korra’s season three, “Change”, is probably up there with ATLA’s season two, “Earth” (which I consider to be the best season of its run). Not only does it get that stupid love triangle

My wife watched me play Oblivion a month or two back and remarked that I spent way more time at the Shrine of Peryite pummeling the immoblized (and more importantly, essential) cultists there than actually playing the game. Great place to level up weapon skills!

I mean, I brought a replica broadsword through customs after a trip from Wales once, but the sword was being carried in a wooden carrying case that was itself in a sealed cardboard box. I believe we had also cleared it with the airline ahead of time. The main issue customs had with it when we landed was how much I

And here I was thinking how easy it would be to coat this game with an Assassin’s Creed flavour and call it “Secret Templar”.

I don’t know what the popular opinion on it is, but I found the Battlefront tie-in novel, Twilight Company, to be one of the best of the New EU books I’ve read. Way better than it had any reason to be.

I very much believe the poll was not “Which of these toys do you want us to make?” but was actually “Which of these toys do you want us to make FIRST?” Omega and Scorponok are most definitely coming.

So yeah, the idea with the kid characters in Fates is that once you have two units reach S-rank and marry, they immediately have a kid who is then shunted off into a pocket dimension (because there’s war on, you know!) to be raised by other people. But the idea is that in these pocket dimensions time flows faster, so

The best character I think I’ve ever created is my current one, who I’ve been playing for the last seven years or so in my older brother’s 4E game. She’s a Goliath Barbarian named Magna, and initially, her character was male (and named Magnus). I was planning on playing him as your standard big, boisterous bruiser