
Battleship’s biggest failure was that at no point in the film did Liam Neeson exclaim “We sank their battleship!”

My father never goes on any car trip without some form of audiobook to listen to as he drives, so it doesn’t appear to be that big of an issue.

Bloodline is a great read; wonderful look at Leia’s transition from weary Senator to badass freedom-fighting general, though some of the politics do fall a bit flat. But it was still an excellent read. The only thing that marred it for me was that about a week after I finished it, Carrie Fisher died. :/

I went to school with a kid named Bob Ross. Confused the hell out of me when I heard other people talking about what a good painter he apparently was!

My playable characters, male and female (tend towards female) usually have red hair, and green eyes. I never tend to use makeup on my female characters since it usually never feels appropriate to FemShep has time to apply lipstick and eyeliner before dropping into a combat zone? Naaaah.

A History of Violence is great. “How do you fuck that up?! HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP?!”

Two leap to mind; Assassin’s Creed Unity, and Mad Max. Unity I knew was going to be a slog going in, since by the time I got it as a Christmas present, it’s terrible-ness was well known, especially since this was before those stupid companion app requirements were removed. I mean, the first time I looked at the

Yeah, the Collections don’t necessarily go order of release, but instead attempt to arrange the series in a mostly-chronological order. If nothing else, you could probably find a publication history online and read the Collections out of order? I don’t know how well that would work, though. I didn’t get into the IDW

Best thing to do, says I, would be to pick up the IDW Collections; they’ve taken all their Transformers work and arranged them in a mostly-chronological order to make the series easier for newcomers to digest; so the first volume begins with Megatron Origin (which isn’t terrifically good, mind you; they eventually had

I know how that sounds, but it’s actually turned out to be one of the most interesting takes on Megatron ever. They handle it really, really well.

IDW actually published a one-off “What If?” story about what would have happened if Kup had managed to stop Hot Rod from interfering with Optimus’ duel with Megatron in the movie. It mostly reads like someone’s angry fanfic and isn’t very good though. Everyone treats Hot Rod like crap and then he dies! All those dumb

The colony worlds have actually been an excuse to bring in a lot of other types of characters too; Velocitron is another one, and in addition to including G1 incarnations of Clocker, Override, and Ransack from Transformers Cybertron (though they haven’t been huge parts of the series), they also made Knock Out from

More Than Meets The Eye. They’ve been doing some really great stuff with Autobot Megatron.

Well, the thing is, so far he hasn’t been in the IDW comics (which will probably do a tie-in for this event), though a few BW characters have put in appearances. Rattrap is a former Autobot who now works as Starscream’s lieutenant (Starscream is the leader of Cybertron), and Rhinox was apparently an ancient

Megatron is the character I want LEAST for Prime, specifically because of that. His character arc and development on Lost Light have been so good I don’t want to see it derailed by having to go off and be a Prime, even if it is a temporary thing. The quality of the toyline tie-in events hasn’t been...great, frankly.

If you’re ever out in Huron County way in southwestern Ontario, I highly recommend West Street Willy’s Bar & Grill in Goderich. Best frigging pizza I’ve ever had.

My wife actually did follow through on her promise to move to Canada (she was living in Tennessee beforehand). I grant you, it was because she was marrying me, her Canadian husband, and she was already up here before Trump even announced he was running for the Republican nomination and so that did not factor into her

Also, The Emperor’s New Groove; a classic.

“TrumpTough” = if someone makes fun of you in any way, shape, or form, whine about it on Twitter.

Considering Ian McDiarmid having the time of his life as a scene-chewing evil space wizard is one of the best parts of Revenge of the Sith, I am all for letting him do more Funkmaster Sheevy-P.