
It’s also possible some of the sleeper ships defrosted their crews earlier than some of the others? The Human Ark may have been the last one to awaken for whatever reason, and the others have had maybe a year or two to set up?

I believe TVTropes’ article on Andromeda clarifies that there were four Arks sent out; one for each of the species that sit on the Citadel Council, with an assortment of other Citadel species spread amongst them. The volus were a client race of the turians; seems likely a few would have gone on the turian Ark,

A platform-heavy dungeon in a Playstation JRPG?

Oh god, I’m having Xenogears flashbacks.

You’re in luck on the Decepticon front; next year’s Fan Figure is going to be a Titan-class Trypticon. There was a poll earlier this year that had fans choose between either Trypticon, Omega Supreme, and Scorponok; Trypticon won overwhelmingly. Odds are good Omega Supreme and Scorponok are still in the works, and the

This just reminds me that I got Morrowind GOTY off of Steam a year or so back and I was able to find a website that has all of the old mods I remembered from way back, when I was lurking on the Morrowind Mod Forum and was now in a position to make use of some of them, so I did. The Ymsidril armour and weapons pack,

Hey, he’s Making Zeon Great Again. He will build a giant Zeong and get Anaheim Electronics to pay for it.

So...they’re all going to be written in gold pen?

I just wanted to say, Broadside looks amazing and I can’t wait to get him because he’s like, the last guy my first-party Wreckers shelf needs for the classic Wreckers line-up (Generations Springer, Sandstorm, Roadbuster, and Whirl, FOC Twin Twist and Topspin, and this year’s subscription service Impactor fill out

Oldie but a goodie; who wouldn’t want a cat that can also double as a suit of armour?

I always liked the alternate idea for that episode they had but ultimately discarded; that as soon as the Defiant landed in the past, Michael Dorn would suddenly be done up like an Original Series Klingon and absolutely NO ONE would have commented on it. It would have fit the very light-hearted in-jokey tone of the

So is Haley Joel Osment still the voice of Sora, or what? Like...I know he must be twenty five at least by now, but what the hell else has he got going for him these days?

My brother and I are still waiting for M. Night’s masterful follow-up to The Happening, M. Night Shyamalan’s “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” and the entire movie is just him running up to the camera with a flashlight in his face making spooky noises.

I used to be big into the Livejournal Roleplaying scene. That used to be a thing! RP communities, sometimes based on existing communities, some original. It was me and usually the same group of people. If we were lucky, a game would last maybe a year and a half, two years, before we all got collectively bored and the

Ugh, I remember the day he died, I had to go in to work at the crappy KFC I was part-timing at, and as soon as I went in, I was like “Did you guys hear the news? Leslie Nielsen died!” And both my co-workers just looked at me and said “Who?” The teenager not knowing who he was was disappointing, but not entirely

Yeah, I figured Abraham and Glenn were the two safest from Lucille. I was really, really wrong, it seems!

I’m not so sure. Abraham tried to volunteer himself to be the sacrifice in the last season finale, but Negan ignored him. To then turn around and go “lol just joking” and kill him anyway seems...I don’t know, like another fake-out? I’m pretty sure it won’t be Abraham.

Sadly, he was also in at least one of the Scary Movie sequels too.

Besides Syndrome (who had no superpowers of his own, but instead used technology to mimic powers) there were two other bit supervillains in the movie. The opening sequence had Bomb Voyage, a French mime-themed bad guy who used bombs as weapons and the very end of the movie had the Underminer show up (“I may be beneath

I’m more interested in what action Skyrim Guard will bring to the the table, Smash-wise.

God, I remember that. Obama zinged him (what was it? Something about Obama releasing his long-form birth certificate and then bin Laden a day later negating it all?) and everyone laughed, except for Trump, who just sat there in stony-faced silence. I remember that very clearly. Hoo boy could I tell he was pissed off.