
After FF VS13/15 and KH3, it’s hard for me to get as hyped anymore when Square shows there stuff. Yes I’m dying to play the FF7 remake, but goddamn, I know it’s going to be such a long wait because this company takes forever to make a game.

The TLDR of this conference:

Yeah, I find it really fucking weird that Sony would use their once a year, valuable time in front of the whole world on stage where they only show games that will make themselves money to make the creator of Shenmue get on stage and beg for money.

Guess this is the point where I realize I’m arguing with someone who clearly lacks reading comprehension.

Are you purposely making no sense?

Not sure anyone browsing Kotaku has a right to judge anyone else for being nerds.

Lol, you need to learn the definition of “logic” because saying the game should be free has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I simply broke down how much each character is worth by the full price of the game. Technically, you’re getting even more than characters with the base game (modes, music, etc.) so

I’m not sure, and Mortal Kombat is way worse than Nintendo with DLC. They are charging $30 for 4 characters.

It’s so weird how people justify 6 dollars for a single character and stage when the game comes with 51 characters for only $60. That’s like only $1.17 per character. It’s pure exploitation.

They’ve only released Mewtwo so far, and he costs money. Next up is Lucas and he also will cost money. That trend isn’t going to stop so I’m not really sure what you’re getting at.

I hope that by the time I get around to buying a WiiU there is a GOTY Edition of Smash. I’m loving all these extra characters they’re adding, especially Ryu. Now they have even more of the most iconic characters in gaming.

Not really. That’s literally how Hollywood works. She’s not the first, and she won’t be the last.

I think being grown up means I can call whomever a whore I want. Not sure why you’re so offended. It’s literally her way of marketing herself to generate buzz.

No you’re right. The way she acts totally isn’t like a giant whore with no self respect or anything.

Seriously. It’s WAY easier to go torrent a game then go through all that returning hassle.

Sounds like they are calling us all thieves for taking advantage of a legit system put in place to offer people a way out of a product they don’t want.

Sounds like this new refund system is going to pressure devs to put more work into making quality games, and not ones that last one hour. And they don’t like it.

So which game are you saying has the better physics/simulation then?

Wow, way to go man. Engineering is such a good field to go into. It’s certainly a lot more stable, and usually pays much better than art jobs. It’s also very cool that you’re able to apply your artistic skills to what you’ll be doing still!