“More Less please...”
“More Less please...”
Too true, it definitely falls in the “oh you gotta be effing kidding me!” category.
Ooh a hop seltzer... I legit love this idea. I pretty much gave up drinking 2 years ago but do miss all the varieties of hoppiness I’d become (too) attached to.
Ah, H.P. Lovecraft’s stomping grounds.
Behind the walls of the Denver airport, a homunculus serves you the hummus.
Full disclosure - I was chatting with my 60-something year old mom yesterday, and she said something so apropos to her childhood but not at all today that I had to bite back an “ok boomer”.
“... not allowed to write the headline.”
Out of curiosity, what part of the country produced so many young defenders of Christmas?
And I normally agree with your takes, but wow that’s a wrong one. Reverse Cam needs to go down a 1984-style Memory Hole.
I can almost agree with this idea
I imagine you know about this already, but still want to share it: https://twitter.com/UnDeadspin
Best gif ever
I’m not usually one to call for trigger warnings, but this blog could’ve used a Gag-Reflex Warning. [hurk]
I tried hops on the New Holland brewery tour - they weren’t bad...
The village elders knew that the child was Satan’s spawn, but friggin’ busy-bodies have doomed us all!
When commenters can’t tell if they’re looking at a wang or an upright doodie, I think that’s a certified Cake Wreck.
This sounds like a fun variation of the Korean dining game Bobbing-For-Octopi
For anyone asking “where’s the mashed potato flavor?!?!??”, let me introduce you to your fist. Apply fist to stack of Pringles, add water, and BOOM - mashed potatoes!
I think the NY Times killed that phrase last week. Too bad, I only got a day or two of enjoyment from it.
I kinda hate you right now for incepting that song in my head before I was ready for it. (Which is never, but still...)