I've been to a Spencer's too. So what?
I've been to a Spencer's too. So what?
In the early days of home computing it was decided that one team of engineers that studied how a chip worked could give the notes to a second set; who would design a chip that did the same things the same way. Not a copy of the chip per se, but identical in function. The courts decided that this practice WAS NOT…
Oh come on, its not like rock started out that... oh wait.
I stopped using Ubuntu when they stopped using gnome. I installed it on my kids computer (she's 7 and prefers ubuntu and gnome.) But really guys over in Ubuntu land, unity is a BIG mis-step. Fix it. Maybe you've noticed Windows is a lot better now, you can't just slap any old shit together anymore and be better…
The "standard narrative" is also footnoted. The footnote states that the time frame from erectus to sapiens was unaccountably short. This actually fits the expected evolutionary time scale much better. Provided they find some better evidence. But it does fit.
I would not recommend letting "the man" see you do this, but I once was forced to use my camera on my phone to get home in a blizzard. The blowing snow was too fast for the display, the road was not. I couldn't see because of the snow, but my phone camera could.
Do you use astroglide for that?
Were these chopped, or is there any info on who made them and how much?
The kind of company that relies on this crap to determine "good" candidates deserves what they get. People willing to cheat in order to win. Think on that HR people. That is what you are left with after "screening out" the honest people who may just have a better vocabulary, and therefore have different "keywords"
Thomas Edison, and Leonardo da Vinci, were two notables who used this to their advantage. They used it long term, most people cannot. I believe it is safe to say that their brains were not normal.
This might be weird but, I love the serranos and the prosciuttos, and I adore naturally cures sausages; but dry aged beef just turns me off. I keep trying it, I want to like it, but I just don't. It tastes rotten to me. Keeping in mind every other dry aged meat does not. Beef I just prefer still angry that its…
Those two authors took off because all of fantasy had devolved into the same trite, formulaic, bullshit.
Hipsters use apple. There is no need to bring a hipster-centric program to android, and likely no profit in it.
From an evolutionary standpoint the monkeys better at getting food became smarter over time. Then those proto-men who were better at getting food became smarter over time. The people with the best nutrition will become the smartest, over time. The trade off is the need for increased nutrition. That does not…
When a virus become lethal it kills itself off. The CDC helps this with quarantines. This would only be a third world problem. Just like Zombies.
ok having done exactly what I'm about to describe I will assure you it works. Take ANY digital camera. Place its lens to the eyepiece of any telescope, binocular, (one side only) or night vision scope, allow the camera to focus while lining up the two pieces, (a tripod helps) and press the shutter. In fact a quick…
Um... that is why I said BOTH sides were complicit in this. If you understood me to be defending either side, you need to re-read what was written. ANY politician, on either side, that says they empathize with OWS is lying. Also I would like to apologize for recommending anyone to look into Americans elect. The…
Give me some warning next time so I can get my tinfoil hat in place.