Samuel B. Elliott

Most science stories, including those here, lack the type of attribution you mention. Also, just an unscientific observation here, the more controversial the topic, (Global warming, healthcare), the less likely there will be attribution. Both sides BTW, on the two issues noted.

It was not called the best selling, most popular, or highest spec'ed gadget of the year. Most important puts it in reach of more people. Other cars were better than the model T, but ford put them in reach of more people. Same with the Transformer.

Sorry, I don't memorize the editors as I read. I wish I had your obviously superior level of intellect. By the way, sorry about never losing your virginity.

"According to the author, her books are "about life, not death" and "love, not lust".[16] Each book in the series was inspired by and loosely based on a different literary classic: Twilight on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, New Moon on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Eclipse on Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights,

It was a tablet that cost WAAAYYYYY less than the ipad, with better battery and gorilla glass. So, better built and cheaper. Count it.

Didn't you just do a story about NOT buying a french press?

Right and perfect are not the same thing. Honestly, think before posting.

Again. The complete omission of the Asus transformer is a blatant attempt to Apple-rig this charade.

Why did people come to the new world. Freedom. A chance to do it right this time, because apparently you only get about 200 years of it.

Never assume malice when stupidity is a reasonable assumption.

Every animal on this planet will dominate everything it perceives as weaker than itself. That is not a "primate dominance instinct". In 10 years time it may be impossible to tell what is a machine or not. It can be damned hard now. Robo-evolution occurs much faster than biological evolution. Has Futurama taught

With the exception of the Asus transformer. Why is this missing?

This really gives a sense of the banality of our years top gadgets. Wasn't there some kind of decomposition powered power generator? Or some innovations in solar. Pretty sure there were a crap-ton of orders placed for a new type of fuel efficient plane. Oh were only doing useless consumer crap gadgets. OK, where

Isn't this the same crap we condemn China for doing. Or is it only wrong when they do it? Giz, publish a list of every a-hole who votes in favor of this.

Which is why we need them to be "dumb" machines. Immortal beings with protected rights would quickly become the rulers. Not just a paranoid dystopian thought. That is how it would work out. They would have better earning potential, "upgrades" that would be denied to the rest of us, and an ability to think as a

It is the slowly dawning realization that even your "followers" don't give a rat's ass.

A sufficiently intelligent robot is a slave. Keep 'em "dumb" as in good for a limited task, non-mobile, etc. and this will never become an issue. We are the result of our genetic and experiential "programming" would a robot not be legally the same as a person, should they think to ask the question themselves?

Science fiction didn't do poorly on TV. Bad science fiction did poorly on TV. Dr.Who reruns are still doing well. Just sayin'...

This makes me feel bad so I disagree with it despite the evidence.

All of these are points that his "customers" know up front. There is nothing illegal here. The post office delivers organic material all the time. Notably once some pigs ears that were written on (tyson's address) and stamped. No boxes or envelopes.