Samuel B. Elliott

Of course we would need to bring back animals that hunted them, like the American Lion, as well. Oh wait suddenly that sounds like a bad idea. Has anyone wondered what would happen if the darned things decided, like any sensible pachyderm, that warmer climates are better. Tundra mammoths = neat. Midwest mammoths =

Lumpia is the best thing about Asia in general. No matter how many someone brings, it is not enough. I have never found someone who has tried them and was less than in love.

Um... by that do you mean the photos were staged, and will cause a controversy?

It may have been an intentional screw up. Clearly the "farmers daughter" country girl character is against the idea of abortion entirely, and being located in small town USA would be plainly ignorant of how such things work. Lori did not say to Glenn "get some morning after pills" She wrote down a medicine's name.

You mean distinction...

Thank you. My eyes need therapy. My ears have PTSD. But justice was served with a flamethrower.

Since I am missing my "new thread" button I am replying here. I apologize for that. This study is funny to me. I have Asperger's Syndrome. People with Asperger's are the MOST altruistic, LEAST empathetic, (actually incapable of empathy for the most part) and least sociable people that exist. Also they tend not to

Oh right I forgot all about the revolution that they started... oh wait, they WERE just other idiots protesting. BTW to all: the rich are equally split between both sides of the aisle. If they weren't; Democrat control of both houses and the presidency would have heralded sweeping economic changes. Unless I missed

Verizon, if anyone of you reads this, don't do it. You will be putting yourself in the same league as AT&T DSL service.


By being so friggin' awesome.

One of the arguments that creationist like to toss about is that, mathematically we evolved far faster than the models would suggest is likely. This much is true. Our evolution was rather quick. Not outside what is possible (obviously) but faster than the likely average. Perhaps we are the seed that will spread in

Obligatory Firefly complaint.

"Tell Billy for me that I'm willing to trade paychecks for a year"

When do we add a definition to illustrate the difference between a gas giant and a rock?

That was right before Krakatoa, wasn't it? Maybe it didn't completely miss.

what bullet, exactly goes 300 MPH. Bullets are measured in ft/second. 300 MPH is about 450 ft/sec. that is very slow. A 45-70, one of the slowest rounds made, travels around 800Ft/sec. The guy mat know physics, but he should have talked to a cop or something first.

WOW. That may be the most ignorant, and uninformed thing I have ever read. If the 90's were the warmest decade on record, that means it is cooler now. Or Have I been told to say that as well?

The mean temperature on earth without solar warming would be too low to support life. More is getting in than leaving just as it has for millions of years. The fact is that solar cycles decide that. Crap in the air is bad, agreed. But in years of high volcanic activity the earth cools, the type of particulate

We did not have monitoring stations in Africa and South America and even a few cold places in the 1880'S. If we will deny the medieval warm period because we didn't have records for other places, we can't count the 1880'S either. Thermometers are used for propaganda. Look up when the Siberian monitoring stations