
We knew it would happen one day. Shade court appointments are for life, but life is finite.

My grandparents were two of the foremost experts on daddy long legs in the United States. So when I was a kid and we’d visit their house, their study was FULL of vials of daddy long leg and spider samples. True story.

It’s complicated. Is treating gender dysmorphia with SRS perpetuating/realizing a patient’s delusion? Or does the patient have the right to request whatever changes they want to their bodies, particularly when those changes are requested repeatedly over the course of many years and at at the cost of great

Thanks for this! I’m not trying to saying she doesn’t suffer from a mental disorder. But BIID is pretty much impossible to treat in many cases. She’s not a Dolezal pretending to be a minoritized group in order to get ahead in spaces dominated by that group. And she’s not a child, who in the case of gender identity we

It’s interesting to me that no one in these threads got curious and did any reading on this. Medicating these people just doesn’t seem to do anything for them. It’s funny how body dysmorphia like this has people suggesting she needs medications when sufferers of BIID seem to be effectively cured by just having their

BIID is weird and impossible for most people to understand, but I’m glad she’s happy now. If this is what it took for her, that’s unfortunate. But people put their bodies through all kinds of trauma to achieve the same goal of being the self they believe they always should have been.

Because the book was outstanding.

I am a vet. Animals are pretty much everywhere in my life, and I still get annoyed at people who bring pets to inappropriate places. Not only is it annoying, but it’s not always great for the dogs. The other day I saw a woman in Wal Mart with a Chihuahua in her bag. The pup was terrified, shaking, wide eyed with

“there’s no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm.”

I disagree. I think that self-identifying as a member of a group that you are not actually a part of makes it that much harder for members of the group to work to reduce stigma associated with being members of the group.

Right? Sorry, but you don’t get that label, no matter how much you want it, ma’am. I seriously doubt she’s gone through half the stuff most fat women have. That’s some Rachel Dolezal-level shit.

I feel like you really do need to know my Threes score, tho

Right. Like every video of hers, her style is sooooo lush. I would absolutely have as much fun as possible with making music videos if I were her.

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

No. How fucking dare she imply that these two soldiers, graduates of West Point, an MP and a helicopter pilot, who worked so incredibly hard to even get the chance to attend Ranger school, and then completed it against all odds, how fucking dare she even think they should just shut up and go away and do ladylike

High ranking, I hope!

Right, but shorts do not a feature movie make. That’s like saying, “you can have these side shows, but the main stage is just for the boys.” Also, I don’t think the shorts enter the public’s obsessive consciousness quite the way the full-length films do.

Also, the way this is worded makes it seem like they think the moon landing was a conspiracy theory. It’s probably just poorly worded but I guess it’s possible someone at FOX doesn’t think we actually landed on the moon.

Fox News reaps what they sow. Suddenly they have no idea what to do with frothing at the mouth conspiracy nutcases and the lumbering behemoth of tea partiers. It’s like watching Mickey Mouse frantically try to control the brooms he’s accidentally brought to life as they completely wreck the place.

again i’d like to do a shout-out to whoever out there thought of the following amazing line because i can’t remember: